Chapter 28

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"So, what are you going to do now?" I ask as I nuzzle my face into Hunter's bare chest.

The moonlight seeps into his bedroom enveloping us in an evening glow. We've been reunited for three days now, each day better than the last. All my work projects have been wrapped up and the entire company has next week off for Christmas, which means uninterrupted Hunter time.

Hunter grins mischievously, his hand traveling up the length of my leg. "I was planning on getting another condom," he whispers as his lips flutter along the side of my neck.

"You're insatiable." I roll my eyes as I giggle and push him away playfully. "I meant for work. As in a job."

"Oh," Hunter sighs in disappointment. I give myself a mental pat on the back. Sex goddess Lilah, reporting for duty. "I think I might go back to school."

"Really?" I look up at him. "For what?"

"I'd like to get my Master's in architecture. Maybe start my own firm once I'm finished. Now that I'm free of Carlisle Industries, I think it'd be nice to revisit that dream."

Hunter mentioned that his father has cut him and Jack out of his will for 'betraying the family'. Now the entire Carlisle fortune will go to Asher, their younger half brother who lives in Europe.

"That's a great idea. You'll finally be able to do something you love."

Hunter pulls me into a tight hug. "Oh, I'm already doing something I love."

I groan. God, he's a teenager sometimes. I ignore his poorly executed pun. "Are you planning on going back to Stanford?" I ask meekly. "California is really far away," I note suggestively.

"No, not Stanford." Hunter laughs. "I was thinking maybe MIT."

"What?" I jerk up aggressively. "Massachusetts? That's still like a four-hour drive! Isn't there a program in the city?"

Hunter smirks as he sits up and rests against the headboard. "There is a program at Columbia. Should I enroll there?"

Columbia?! Where Miles works? I laugh nervously. "I think MIT sounds great..."

"Oh, now you're on board?" Hunter chuckles. "I mean, Columbia is closer. Maybe that's not a bad idea. We could spend more time together!"

I can't tell if he's joking. He damn well knows Miles works at Columbia.

Time for damage control!

"But Massachusetts? Come on! Think of all the history there! So much to see, so much to do! Uh-" I pause trying to think of more reasons. "Oh! According to a recent study, Massachusetts' residents have the highest average IQ out of all the States. You'd be among intellects. Doesn't that sound fun?" My voice is higher than I'd care to admit.

"Lilah, relax, you're getting all squeaky." Hunter shakes his head. "Don't worry, I'm joking, I'm not going to go to Columbia. Although, the endless opportunities to punch your ex in the face has crossed my mind."

I've explained to Hunter that Miles is gone for good, but the man still wants to pummel him.

"Maybe don't do that?" I suggest. "Let's just keep the past in the past and focus on the future. Hmm?"

"I suppose I can let it go." Hunter kisses my temple. "For you."

I sigh as I look out the window. "How's Jack holding up? Kimmy says he's been...distant."

"He's doing as well as could be expected." Hunter shrugs. "He only recently started working at Fairview so he wasn't in charge of the Profilatol testing but he's broken up over everything we uncovered. He really admired our father."

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