Chapter 17

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The past three days have been filled with endless data entry and mini chocolates. Isabelle has a plastic orange jack o' lantern bowl full of candy at the front desk. She's probably gotten more visitors these past few days than the past few weeks combined. I think she likes having people come by and see her, because every time I stop by to snag a piece, the bowl is always full. Personally, I like to stock up on all the chocolates the week after Halloween. That's when everything is 50% off.

IT, Finance and HR went crazy with decorating their offices but of course, we weren't allowed. Marice's office door is covered in fake cobwebs and a thirty-inch sparkly black spider. I think she was going for spooky, but it looks more glamorous than anything. Maybe she should have gotten a spider that didn't have eyelashes, but that's just my two cents.

I discovered this week that Rachel loves Halloween. Big shocker there. She keeps trying to put decorations on her desk, probably to piss off Sanjay. Karl and I talked about getting popcorn next time she pulls out a new figurine.

"Rachel!" Sanjay exclaims as he peers over his computer. Rachel makes direct eye contact with Sanjay as she slowly places a mini Beetlejuice toy on her desk. "Ms. Harris could come by any moment! Put that away!"

I look at Karl who's shoving fake popcorn in his mouth. I shake my head as I quietly laugh.

"Stop being so lame, Sanjay. What is she going to do? Grow another head?" Rachel rolls her eyes. "You've got to relax, dude. She probably already left anyway."

Sanjay aggressively stands up from his desk and marches towards Rachel. He picks up the toy off her desk and throws it into the garbage can. My eyes widen and Karl pretends to choke on his popcorn. Oh, my God.

"There!" Sanjay dusts his hands. "Now I can relax. Dude."

Rachel's eyes darken and she stands up. "You little fuc-" Uh oh.

"Rachel!" I exclaim. Rachel turns her head towards me.

"What, Sterling?"

"Uh..." Think of something. Oh! "Do you have plans tonight? My friend's throwing a Halloween party. Do you want to come?" I think I've caught her off guard.

"You're inviting me to a party?" Rachel arches an eyebrow.

"Um, yeah. Why not? Karl, Sanjay, you guys can come too if you want." I'm sure Kimmy wouldn't mind, the more the merrier. Although Sanjay and Rachel in the same room, both drunk, seems like a disaster. I'm starting to reconsider my offer.

Rachel narrows her eyes. "Do you think I don't have plans already?" How am I the bad guy here?

"No no, of course you do. But if you want to stop by, I'll text you all the address." I pull out my phone and text our group chat Kimmy's address.

Everyone checks their phones. "Upper east side?" Karl asks as he smirks.

"Mhm." I nod. "Open bar, lots of food, beer pong tournament. The works!"

"Can't go," Sanjay states as he sits back down at his desk. "I'm having dinner with my girlfriend."

Rachel snickers as she fishes the figurine out of the garbage can. "If you don't want to go just say so, no need to make up a fake girlfriend."

Sanjay crosses his arms. "I'm not even going to dignify that with a response."

"That was a response, you idiot!" Rachel snarls.

"Children, children. Can we just play nice? Hmm?" Karl sighs. "Lilah, I for one, will be there. Can I bring a guest?"

"Of course!" I exclaim. "Are you going to bring your boyfriend? Cause I've been dying to meet him! I need to get that lemon poppy seed muffin recipe from him."

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