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Eight Months Later

"Baby," Hunter calls from the BMW, his head buried into the trunk. "Where's the rosé we got for Kimmy? I can't find it in here."

"Ah, shit." I bite my lip as I turn towards him from the front door of my mother's house. "I think I left it at home."


Hunter and I moved in together several months ago. It seemed pointless to have two apartments seeing as he's away at MIT for half the week, and when he's in town we always stay at his place anyway. It's been quite the change. Mr. Sanders just about cried when I told him I was moving but I promised to visit him as often as I could.

The front door swings open and scares the bejesus out of me. "Mom!" I shriek.

"Delilah, honey. Are you just going to stand there? Or come inside?" she asks as she pulls me through the door. "Hunter?"

"Coming, Anita!" Hunter closes the trunk and jogs up to the house. "So where's the girl of the hour?"

"She's in the living room. We have everything ready to go! Popcorn and snacks are on the table," my mom says before disappearing into the kitchen.

The living room is decorated with pink streamers and a balloon arch that says 'congrats'.

"Kimmy!" I rush towards my best friend. "This is so exciting! Congratulations again!"

"You made it!" Kimmy squeals as we hug. "Say hi to Jack!" She motions to the laptop sitting on the TV stand.

"Hi, Jack! How's it going? You look tired." I laugh as he yawns through the screen.

"Well, it's like 3 am over here. But I wasn't going to miss the premiere." Jack rubs his eyes. "Don't get mad if I fall asleep halfway through the episode though!"

Jack's been gone for eight months but he and Kimmy talk every day. The distance has been so good for Kimmy. For the first time in her life, she's had time to focus purely on herself. Her new show, White Lies, premieres today. The pre-screening has gotten so many positive reviews. I think Kimmy was born to play her character, Gwendolyn Price. They're both sassy, fierce and confident. I mean, Gwen is a vampire but Kimmy looks great with fangs.

My mom comes out of the kitchen with a tray of cocktails and an apple cider for herself. "Alright! It's starting. Everyone take their seats!" she announces as she hands out the drinks and we all squeeze onto the couch.

Kimmy grabs the computer and puts it on her lap and faces it towards the TV. "Can you see, babe?"

"Yes," Jack's voice crackles from the speaker.

The next hour is full of laughter and praise. Man, the girl can act. For someone who has yet to memorize the names of all fifty States, she sure as heck knows how to memorize a script. I can see why Kimmy didn't want to watch the premiere with her parents. She has a pretty steamy make-out scene towards the end. Jack grumbles as he watches her kissing another guy but I don't think he actually cares, it's her job.

Just as the episode is ending the doorbell rings. "I'll get it!" My mom bounces off the couch and goes to answer the door.

She's recovered like a rock-star. Physio ended a few months ago but her doctor still calls her occasionally. I see his name pop up on her phone whenever I come over. She's been secretive about her relationship with Dr. Larry Curtis, but I'm like 90% sure that there's something going on between the two of them. I know that dad will always be her true love, but it's nice to see her getting back out there.

My mom calls us all into the living room for some Chinese food. Everyone grabs a white container and sits down at the table.

"Kimmy, I just still can't believe you have your own show! It's insane!" I gush. "How weird is it to see yourself on TV?"

"Honestly? I love it! I know it sounds vain but whatever." Kimmy laughs. "How about you? Miss Marketing Queen. How's work? Is Camille still training you?"

Cam's six months pregnant and is going on maternity leave soon. Instead of hiring someone to replace her, the organization decided to promote Karl, Sanjay, Rachel, and I to Senior Marketing Specialists. The four of us are going to split her duties while she's away. Training has been interesting. Camille's been an emotional nightmare lately. Karl thinks it's the pregnancy hormones, but I think it's because her swollen feet no longer fit into her Louboutins.

"One more month and she's gone for a year, so I'm just counting down the days," I answer.

"How about you, Hunter? How's school going?" my mom asks and he begins to talk about his architecture program.

We were going to travel this summer but Hunter decided to take more courses so he can finish his studies faster. Truthfully, I can't wait until he's done. Even though we see each other three or four times a week, it's somehow never enough. I drive up to Cambridge every other weekend; the blueberry is going strong. Although with the settlement check from the lawsuit we received in the mail last month I could afford to buy a newer car. But I've grown attached to my electric blue whip; she's family now.

Once everyone finishes their food, my mom passes around the fortune cookies. It's become a tradition of sorts.

"Alright, we'll go in a circle." My mom cracks hers open. "Mine says 'courtesy is contagious'.

Kimmy grins as she opens hers, a little too quickly. "Mine says 'remember the birthday, not the age'."

"Amen to that." My mom laughs. "Hunter?"

"Mine says 'happy life is just in front of you'." Hunter smiles widely as he looks at me. "Your turn, baby."

I can feel everyone staring at me as I open the fragile cookie. "Mine says 'today you will get engaged'." How ridiculous. I laugh as I turn to face Hunter who's sinking down on one knee.

Oh, my God!

Hunter reaches into his pocket and produces a ring. His nervous yet affectionate gaze reaches my shocked eyes.

"Delilah Sterling. From the moment I saw you fumbling around your purse and mouthing off a barista a year ago, I knew you were the one," he begins and I giggle as warm tears fill my eyes. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You are the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. I love you with my whole heart. Will you marry me?"

I lower myself down on my knees. I can't believe this is happening. I wipe the tears from my face. "Yes. Yes, I'll marry you!"

Hunter exhales in relief. Did he really think I might say no? How silly. He slides the gorgeous princess cut diamond ring on my finger. I stare at its simplicity and charm. "What are the blue stones?" I ask.

"It's aquamarine, your birthstone," Hunter beams as we stand up. "They're actually from a necklace your dad gave you for your birthday, the same year he bought you the star."

That is so thoughtful.

I look over to my mom and Kimmy who are both sobbing. I forgot they were here.

"Oh, honey." My mom wraps me in a hug, followed by Kimmy. "Your dad would have loved to be here. He would be so proud of you."

I take a deep breath as I look at my family and down at my ring. "Dad's here, mom. I can feel it."

I lift my fingers up to Hunter's face and raise myself up on my tippy toes to place a sealing kiss on his lips.

I love him. He's my heart. He's my soul.

And now, he's my forever.


Hunter's phone rings as I'm showing my mom and Kim my engagement ring. Hunter briefly exits the room to answer the call. After a minute, he returns shaking his head.

Something's wrong. "Who was that?"

"Asher." Hunter sighs. "He's in the drunk tank."

I roll my eyes. "Again?"

Asher Prescott, New York's bad boy.

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