Chapter 9

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Basic girl rule number one: Never go to sleep with make-up on. Apparently, Hunter's hypnotic kiss drained my life source and I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up at 1 in the morning with my eyelashes stuck together, sweating through my leather jacket. I absentmindedly dragged myself to the bathroom and washed up before relocating to my bedroom to sleep again, but I just tossed and turned until I couldn't be in bed anymore.

The bowl of cinnamon oatmeal I made this morning is sitting in front of me, but I can't bring myself to take a bite. I have no appetite and my chest is heavy with anxiety. It's only 7 am but I'm fully dressed and ready for work. I wonder what time the offices open. I don't start until 9 am but maybe I can go in early. Perhaps an hour and a half early is a bit too eager. I stare at the clock hanging on my wall. Since when did a minute take so long to pass?

I force a spoonful of oatmeal into my mouth. Either my taste buds have deteriorated or I've just made myself a bowl of blended up cardboard. I swallow one bite and toss the rest in the trash.

I'll just walk to GE. It'll take around an hour but at least it'll give me something to do. I can't just sit here and watch the minutes go by, I'll go crazy.

It's quiet outside, barely any people on the streets. I plug in my headphones and put on my 'Best of Frank Sinatra' playlist and soberly walk to work.

There's no one at reception as I step out of the elevator on the 17th floor. The front doors are unlocked so someone must be here. I place my briefcase beside me as I sit down in the waiting area, folding my hands across my lap.

I hear echoing clacks in the distance that get louder with each second. I look up and there's a gaggle of tall blondes standing at the reception desk peering at me over their Starbucks coffee cups. One of the blondes strides over to me and I instinctively stand up.

"Hi there, are you lost?" Blonde Number One asks. I can't tell if she's genuinely asking or being a bitch.

"I'm Delilah, it's my first day," I smile sweetly. "I'm just a bit early." Kill 'em with kindness!

Blonde Number One eyes me carefully and then holds out her hand. "I'm Jen." Her tone is a bit friendlier now. "That's Beatrice and Cleo." She motions to the two girls behind her. They both wave. They seem pleasant.

"Nice to meet you all. Do you all work in the Marketing Division?" I wonder if these girls will be my colleagues.

"I do," Jen says as she pulls out her cellphone. "Bee and Cleo work in PR, but our coffee's better so they sneak up here in the mornings."

"Speaking of which Jen, we better get going!" one of the girls announces. I narrow my eyes and see her cup has a C on it. I'm guessing that's Cleo.

Jen waves to the girls. "See you at lunch!" Bee and Cleo exit into the hallway. "Shit!" Jen exclaims.

"Is something wrong?" I ask, startled. Swearing at work?

Jen puts her phone in her pocket and grunts. "Something is always wrong when you work for Ms. Harris."

"The Director?" Oh great, is she another Donna?

"Don't worry you're new, she'll be nice for the first few months." Jen smiles. "I've been her PA for three years now, I get a different version of her than most." PA? Jen is her personal assistant? Maybe that's why she's here so early. "Did you want a coffee? There's a Starbucks down the hallway to the left."

My mouth widens. "There's a Starbucks in the department?" Jen laughs.

"Yeah, pretty cool right? Oh, and it's free!" I think I like Jen. "Listen, I've got to run but I'll see you around, ok?" Jen's phone vibrates and she sprints down the hallways.

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