Chapter 23

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"I look like a loofah," I complain as I frown at my reflection.

After running around the mall for four hours last night, I called it quits and told Kimmy to just buy two dresses and I'd choose one of them to wear. That was clearly a grave mistake.

"I like it!" Kimmy crosses her arms. "You look like a princess."

"Yeah, the princess of bathing supplies." I begin to unzip the puffy light blue ball gown. "Kimmy, I hope the other dress is a bit less...extra."

"What's wrong with being extra?" Kimmy grunts and walks over to her closet pulling out a dark grey garment bag. This one looks thinner. I'm hoping that means it's not 90% tulle. "Here, take it. Enjoy your bland dress."

I roll my eyes as I open the bag and pull out a floor-length dress. It's a midnight blue satin gown with a strapless bodice. "This is actually so beautiful, Kimmy. I'm impressed."

"Put it on!" Kimmy begs.

I carefully slide into the dress and ask Kimmy to zip me up. The dress fits perfectly. It hugs my waist, and the skirt is voluminous but manageable. Surprisingly, the girls look pretty decent as well.

I turn around and take a step forward. My eyes widen as my entire leg slips out of the side of the flowing satin fabric.

"Kimmy!" I shriek. "There's a hole in the dress!"

Kimmy snorts. "Lilah, it's called a slit."

"This is purposely here? Kim, this almost reaches my...yoohoo."

"Stop being so dramatic. It's sexy!"


"No buts! You'll be fine as long as you don't do any cabaret dancing." Kimmy walks over to her vanity table and starts applying her makeup. "Are you planning on doing the can-can tonight?" she quips.

I purse my lips. God, she's something. "No..."

"Thought so. Now get over here." Kimmy lifts up a make-up palette. "This is called bronzer," Kimmy says slowly. "And it will soon be your best friend."

After twenty painful minutes of squinting, pouting, and 'sucking in my cheeks', Kimmy leaves me to put on her dress. Apparently, I am not to be trusted to do my own glam, nor do I have the proper training to put on a dress after hair and make-up. According to Kimmy, it's a skill that must be mastered and I'm merely an apprentice.

Kimmy glides out of the bathroom in a deep v-neck sunflower-yellow chiffon evening gown.

"Holy shit, Kimmy. You look amazing. So...bright." I would never in a million years dare to wear something this loud, but Kimmy rocks it. I am in constant awe of her confidence and self-assurance.

"I know!" Kimmy squeals. "Now, this is extra! I feel like a glamorous marshmallow peep!"

"Nothing says 'Happy Thanksgiving' like Easter candy," I joke as my eyes dart to Kimmy's chest. Hunter's gift! I almost forgot.

"Are you staring at my boobs, Lilah?" Kimmy asks with a grin.

I scowl sarcastically at her. "No, I was looking at your necklace." I reach for my purse and pull out a wide rectangular velvet box. "Look what Hunter bought me!"

Kimmy rushes over to my side, and I open the box. Inside is an elegant white gold diamond necklace.

"Oh, my fuck." Kimmy gasps. "Hunter bought you Cartier?"

I check the imprinted logo on the inside of the box. "Yeah, I guess. Isn't it beautiful?"

"Uh-huh." Kimmy nods. "And expensive."

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