Chapter 18

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The door to Kimmy's condo swings open and a tray of black jello shots is thrust into my chest. Kimmy is wearing a very, very tight polka dot mini dress, and has matching puppy dog ears. I think she's supposed to be dressed up as a dalmatian? No. A sexy dalmatian.

"Here!" Kimmy exclaims. "Have a shot of black death!"

Jack turns the corner wearing a firefighter costume. Oh, I get it now. The fireman and his little pup. So cute! "Kimmy, why don't we let them come inside before you force-feed them shots?" Jack suggests.

Kimmy frowns, which is so much more adorable now that she has a little black nose, and spots painted on her face. "Fine! Come in." Kimmy motions dramatically inside.

Hunter and I hang our jackets up in the front hall closet and make our way to the living room. There are twelve other people here so far, pretty tame. Kimmy likes to start early and finish late. I don't know how she manages to stay alert the entire time, but she's got the hostess game down to a science. One time, I caught her chugging a 5 Hour Energy. Needless to say, I've never seen her so rowdy.

Kimmy waves us over to the couch and Jack laughs at Hunter as we approach. "Lilah, I can't believe you convinced my brother to dress up for Halloween."

"Doesn't he look exactly like Clark Kent? Like, it's uncanny!" I laugh and Hunter shakes his head. He's wearing a Superman logo shirt underneath his button-up, I decided that the tie was a little too much, so we removed it in the car. It took a lot of restrain to only remove his tie.

Kimmy cocks her head to the side as she examines my outfit. "What Kim?" I ask, annoyed.

"It's just, you look like you're going to work," Kimmy shrugs as she explains.

"I'm supposed to be Lois Lane, she's a journalist! What did you expect?"

"I don't know...a slutty journalist?" Kimmy offers with a wink.

Hunter gently tugs me back towards him. "I would have loved to see that," he whispers softly.

I roll my eyes. "Oh, I'm sure you would."

Kimmy flaps her hands trying to get our attention. "Black death! Drink now!" Kimmy orders as she shoves two shots in my face.

I hand one shot to Hunter, and we both reluctantly take it. "Where did you find black jello?" I ask Kimmy.

"It's food coloring," Jack answers. "Kimmy and I went to four different stores looking for black jello, even though I said it probably didn't exist."

Kimmy rolls her eyes. "Yes, yes. You're right, I'm wrong. Blah blah blah."

"Kimmy." I narrow my eyes. "How many jello shots have you had?"

Kimmy shrugs. "A couple."

"Really? Show me your tongue."

"No." Kimmy hesitates and then grunts. "Fine, here!" Kimmy flashes me her tongue which is thoroughly stained black.

"Girl, it's only like 7 o'clock. You gotta slow down," I joke.

"Or maybe you just need to catch up!" Kimmy wiggles her brows as she hands me another shot.

Just as I take the shot from Kimmy, someone from across the room sprays silly string all over Hunter's shirt and yells "take it off!" I try to keep a straight face but, Oh my God. Kimmy and Jack are both dying from laughter.

Hunter removes the green slimy strings from his shirt. "I think I need something a little stronger than jello," Hunter says to me and Kimmy points towards the bar. "I'll be right back."

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