Chapter 8

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The front door buzzes just as I'm hanging up the new blouse I bought yesterday. I figured that since I'm starting at GE Solutions tomorrow, I should have a selection of office attire that isn't over three years old or has various minuscule stains.

I sluggishly press the intercom. "Hello?"

"Hello Lilah, it's Hunter." What? Why is he here? I look down at my not-so-Sunday-best outfit. Sweatpants, a raggedy old white t-shirt, and mismatched socks. "Lilah?" Shit.

"Hi, um... what're you doing here?" My voice squeaks.

Who does this? Who comes over without a call? Or a text? Or even an email for God's sake. This isn't the dark ages! Technology exists for a reason: so women can get ready before people come over! No contact for three days and he just shows up?! The nerve. My finger holding the intercom button down starts shaking.

"I'd like to take you to the park for a couple of hours." The park? What am I? A dog? How did he know I would even be home? Oh no... do I give off a hermit vibe? Hi, I'm No-Life-Lilah, pleased to meet you!

"I'm not really dressed for company right now." Perhaps if he called me first...

Hunter's laugh crackles through the speaker. "I could wait out here if you need a few minutes."

A few minutes? I need a few hours! Oh, but he came all the way here to see me. I don't want to send him away. Argh!

Taking a deep breath, I put on my most alluring voice. "I shall be down in ten minutes."

"I'll be here."

Fudge! I sprint to my bedroom and look around, mentally flipping through my wardrobe catalog. I have a better idea of what I own after going through literally every single article of clothing the night we went to the bar. Ok, light-blue skinny jeans, white sweater... leather jacket. Done.

Dashing to my vanity, I pick up the bottle of dry shampoo, spray it all over my hair and brush it out. I grab my BB cream, mascara, and lipstick. After a quick three-minute application I look in the mirror. Oh, boy. I quickly wipe off the streaks of mascara that I accidentally got on my eyelid due to my adrenaline-fueled shaky hand.

It's been eight minutes. Faster Lilah, faster!

Stepping into my white slip-on Vans, I grab my purse and lock the door behind me. I'm out of breath by the time I walk down the stairs. They should really make this an Olympic sport, the ten-minute-dash. I'd definitely get a gold medal.

Hunter is pacing along the sidewalk as I greet him. He's wearing a peacoat and a cream-colored turtleneck, which until this moment I never found attractive on men. Oof.

"You look incredible, Lilah." Hunter's eyes light up as he gives me a once-over. I feel a stupid grin forming on my face. Don't be so obvious! "Let's go." Hunter grabs my hand and a current of electricity runs through my body. Breathe, he's just a guy. He is just a guy. A guy who is now holding my hand.

"So... how did you know I was going to be home?" I ask as he guides me down the street.

"I have my sources," Hunter answers, a semblance of a smile appears on his face. I'm going to kill Kimmy. "How was your weekend, Lilah?"

Oh, you know, I found out you were once engaged, that you beat up Jason, and apparently your family is royalty in the healthcare industry.

"It was fine. I did a little shopping yesterday," I respond trying to avoid sounding too squeaky. "How was yours?"

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