Chapter 25

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"Miss! Miss! You need to check in first," the frantic receptionist yells as she chases me down the hallway of Fairview. "Miss, you can't go in there! Mr. Carlisle is in a very important meeting. Miss!"

My chest heaves with betrayal and frustration as I twist open Hunter's door and storm inside. I shut the door and lock it behind me. I've had the entire drive from White Plains to Manhattan to organize my flustered thoughts. And I've come to one conclusion. I am pissed!

Hunter looks up from his desk, incertitude captures his surprised eyes. "I'm going to have to call you back, Arnold." He presses a button on his keyboard. "Lilah, what're you doing here? Is everything ok?"

I drop the legal documents on his desk, my frenzied heart beating like a battle drum. "You're getting sued!? That's why you're so busy all the time?"

Hunter narrows his eyes in confusion. "How-How did you know?"

"How did I know?" I flap my arms, and a maniacal laugh escapes my lips. "Because of this Class Action Notice, Hunter!"

Hunter reaches for the papers and scans them. His eyes quickly fill with dread and the colour drains from his face as he puts the pieces together. "Lilah-"

"No!" I yell. "You released a drug that's killing people, Hunter! A drug that might have killed my dad." I let out a shaky breath. "Did you know? Did you bribe FDA officials to look past your findings? Huh? Tell me!"

Hunter runs his hands through his hair. "Lilah, I promise we didn't do anything wrong. Our research was solid. Everything we submitted for review was accurate."

"Really?" I snort. "Then why did a Judge grant permission for the case to proceed? I did research on class action lawsuits just before I came here. They need evidence to proceed with litigation. And clearly they found it."

"Lilah, I'm having my team re-review all our records," Hunter says in a hushed tone. "We're submitting all our documents to discovery right now." Hunter exhales. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't know your dad was prescribed Profilatol. If I knew I would have told you about the lawsuit earlier. I promise."

"Hunter," I plead in a whimpered voice. "My dad died because of a stroke." Tears begin spilling out of my eyes. "And your company could be responsible for it."

"I know," he whispers. "Lilah, I-"

"You what? What, Hunter? What could you possibly say to me right now? That you didn't know? How? You're the fucking president."

"It's not that simple, baby," Hunter explains. "I'm not in charge of - "

"Don't baby me right now," I cut him off.

"Lilah, please. Just listen to me..."

"Listen to you? I can barely even look at you right now!" My voice falters. "Was this all about money? Is that all you people care about? I re-read that New York times article that came out a couple of years ago. Carlisle Industries, first to market! Is that why you were first? You said 'fuck it', and just released a dangerous drug? How much money have you made from it? Hmm?"

Hunter looks at me with desperation in his eyes. "Lilah, please calm down. Let me just -"

"Oh, come on Hunter. You're the finance guy, right? So tell me. How much did you make? Was it worth all the lives lost?"

"Enough!" Hunter slams his fist down on his desk. "Do you really think I would ever put money above human life?" Hunter's voice booms. "Is that how you really see me?" Hunter stands up and walks towards me. "Lilah, you know me. How- how could you possibly say that?"

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