Chapter 24

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"Come back to bed," I whisper with one eye open. Hunter is hunched over his computer, his eyebrows furrowed and nose scrunched up. I've spent the entire week at Hunter's, aside from a couple of trips back to my apartment to pick up clean clothes.

"Just a few more minutes," Hunter sighs as his cell phone rings. "Sorry babe, I've got to take this. I'll be right back."

I've always thought that if you become a CEO or a high-level executive that you have the freedom to choose your own schedule, that you'd have more free time. Boy, was I wrong. Hunter's had to work late nights most of this week. Granted he was able to do it from home, but I can sense that he's stressed. Apparently, there's a crisis at Fairview that requires urgent attention. I don't mind though, because the moments that I have him to myself are blissful.

Being in love is an exuberant feeling. I love you. Those eight little letters somehow shifted the world. Everything became brighter, bolder, sweeter. This stupid goofy grin hasn't left my face for seven days. I'm worried I'll get premature wrinkles from all the smiling. Kimmy recommended a Korean snail serum in case I was serious, but not before pointing out the irony of using the L-word so quickly since it's something I always give her shit for. I fed her some cliché line, like 'when you know you know'. I felt ridiculous saying it, but for whatever reason, it was true.

Hunter's shield is virtually invisible now. There's no more one-worded answers or vague responses. Our conversations are colorful, vivid, and void of all pretenses. When Hunter gets going, whether the topic is music, traveling, or conspiracy theories, it's virtually impossible to shut him up. Heck, he even has opinions on Friends. We binge-watched a few episodes and the next day he bought me a lobster charm necklace, I've never cried so hard from happiness in my life. Could I be any more in love?

My phone vibrates under my pillow and I sluggishly bring it up to my ear.


"Hi honey, it's mom." I check the caller ID and I don't recognize the number.

"Where are you calling me from?"

"Oh! One of the nurses took me to the mall to get a new phone and a SIM card."

I try to banish the image of my mom's car submerged in water from my head. "That's great, mom. Are you ready to go home today? Hunter and I will pick you up around 2 p.m."

"I am so excited to get out of this place," my mother exclaims. "The house is probably covered in cobwebs but I'd rather dust from dusk to dawn than spend one more night sleeping in this awful bed. I miss my memory foam."

"Mom, don't worry about cleaning. That will be taken care of. All you'll need to do tonight is relax and have fun."

"Have fun? Delilah, honey. What're you planning?" Always the worrywart. 

"Nothing," I chuckle. "Don't worry about it. I'll see you in a few hours, ok?"

"Ok, but Lilah-" Her anxiety is palpable over the phone.

"Mom, can you relax? Just trust me."

"Fine, fine," she exhales. "Oh, and honey?"


"Happy Thanksgiving."

"You too, mom. See you soon."

I toss my phone on the nightstand and begin to get out of bed.

I've recruited Kimmy, Hunter, and Jack to help me clean the house today before my mom's return. Jack was reluctant at first until Kimmy whispered something saucy in his ear which made him perk right up. I don't even want to know what she promised to do for him if he cooperated. Knowing her, it's probably something that's illegal in several countries.

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