Chapter 14

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There's a dull ache pulsing at the back of my head and I see a vague shadow through my mildly blurry vision. Three muffled voices are calling out my name, but I don't know where they're coming from. Ah. Why is there a light shining in my eye?

"Delilah Sterling! You open up your eyes right now!" What? Is that Kimmy?

"Don't yell at her baby, that's not going to help."

"Well, why isn't she opening her eyes? Do something!"

Why are they so loud and shrill? My eyes flutter open briefly and I see three faces lurking above me. I shift my eyes between the blobs.


My back is cold. Am I on the ground? I rub the surface beneath me. Yup. On the ground.

I try to push myself up with my forearms, no luck. My vision is becoming clearer.

"Lilah?" I turn my head to the voice.

"Kim?" Why is she here?

"Oh my god Lilah!" A set of dainty cold hands cup my face. "Are you ok?" Kimmy turns towards...Jack? "Can she sit up?" Why is Jack here?

"Just let her rest for a minute." Jack looks up and I follow his gaze. "Hunt, can you grab a cushion?"

Hunter runs both his hands through his hair as he collects a pillow from the couch and passes it to Jack. Jack props it under my head and I suddenly feel very embarrassed.

"Wha-" I clear my throat. "What happened? Why are you here?" I ask Jack.

"Hunter called and said that you fainted." Jack's voice is soft and low. "But you're ok, you just have a little bump on your head. You might have a headache for the rest of the night." I fainted? Well, that would explain why I'm sprawled out on the floor.

"My phone!" I suddenly remember I was talking to a doctor from Happy Living.

Oh my God. My mother!

I need to sit up.

"Lilah, slowly." Hunter cautions from behind me, I feel his hands lifting me up. Whoa. My brain swirls. Stood up too fast.

"My phone?" I repeat as Hunter sits me down on the couch, his hand gently stroking my back. 

Kimmy tentatively passes me my phone, the expression on her face tells me I won't be happy with what I see. Shit. The entire screen has spider web cracks. I let out an exhausted sigh.

Kimmy kneels down in front of me. "Lils, how do you feel?"

"A little embarrassed actually. Why are you and Jack here? How long was I out for?"

"I live across the street. Kimmy and I were just on our way out when Hunter called and said you fainted. We rushed over right away, You were only unconscious for about three minutes. " I shift my gaze between Jack and Kimmy. He's wearing a black tuxedo and she's wearing a long navy blue evening gown and a white fur stole.

"I'm sorry you guys!" Oh, I ruined their plans! "I'm fine now you can go, really!"

Kimmy rolls her eyes. "We're not going anywhere!"

"You clearly had a special night planned, you both look so nice."

Jack laughs. 'Lilah, don't feel sorry. You actually got us out of a very boring gala my father was throwing." His father? Why wasn't Hunter going?

That's not important right now.

"I need to make a call." Hunter, Kimmy, and Jack look at one another as I redial Happy Living. "Hi, may I please speak to Dr. Young?'

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