Chapter 11

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"I think I need to buy a car this weekend." I glance at Kimmy as we wait for the light to turn green. "You can't keep driving me to work every morning."

"I don't mind! Really! It gives me something to do, plus if I don't have to wake up to drive you, I'd just sleep until noon every day."

"Yeah, I know. But I still think I need a car. Walking home is exhausting after working all day long."

"I don't get why you don't just take the subway."

"It's just so dirty and congested." I sigh. "It's fine! There's a used car dealership I read about in Brooklyn. They're having a blow out sale on Saturday. I think I saw a few cars for around $2000." I'm really stretching my budget here, but Uber trips will bankrupt me, and walking an hour each way is brutal.

Kimmy pulls up just outside Bentrell Tower. "Ok, fine. We can go Saturday afternoon, but only if you come for brunch at my parents place beforehand. Please!" Kimmy pleads. "You're my buffer! They won't yell at me if you're there!"

Kimmy's parents aren't very supportive of her acting aspirations. Her dad works as an equities broker on Wall Street, and her mom is an interior decorator. Kimmy receives a pretty generous allowance every month and doesn't need to work at Hot Shot, I think she does it to kill time or to piss off her parents, or maybe both.

"Okay, deal!"


The rest of the morning goes by relatively fast. A client has hired GE Solutions to audit all four of his company websites for search engine optimization. The last two days, Rachel, Karl, Sanjay and I have been meticulously reviewing all the content and running it through our SEO program. Ms. Harris hasn't come by to see us at all, we only really communicate with her through email. I'm glad though, at least via email I can't feel her chilling glare. Marice also emailed me this morning saying she's back from her vacation and would like an onboarding meeting this afternoon. I'd like to thank her in person for hiring me and giving me a chance to work here.

"If this damn program freezes one more time, I'm going to get a hammer and smash this stupid useless computer!" Rachel shrieks from her desk.

Karl, Sanjay and I look at each other and quietly chuckle. Rachel has been freaking out all morning.

"Why don't you try closing the software and reopening it?" Sanjay suggests.

Rachel lifts her hand over her computer and flashes him her middle finger repeatedly. "Thank you, wow. Such great advice, Sanjay. Why didn't  I think of that?"

"Rach," Karl peers over his computer. "Why don't we turn the bitchiness down to a three. Ok?"

"Oh, frig off Miller." Rachel scowls. "Why is my computer the only one that keeps freezing?"

"Maybe it's because you download thousands of songs illegally off the internet," Sanjay mutters.

"I'm sorry, what did you say? Do you want to speak up?" Rachel hisses.

"Maybe we can call IT and they can run a sweep?" I suggest quietly.

Rachel contemplates for a second and then shakes her head. "Nope. Can't do that."

"Why?" I ask.

Rachel rolls her eyes and turns away from us. "Cause of all the illegally downloaded songs on my desktop!" We all start laughing, Sanjay is almost in tears. I think he likes seeing Rachel so frustrated. "Screw you guys! I'm going for lunch." Rachel storms out of the office.

"Actually, lunch sounds like a good idea," Karl agrees as he stands up and stretches.

"Yeah, ok. I could use a break as well." I grab my wallet from my purse. "Sanjay? You coming?"

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