Chapter 20

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Somehow Miles found my new email address and has been sending me messages every day this week. Every time I block him, he uses a different email address. This is absurd. Why is he doing this? Miles was never like this before, and quite frankly, he's freaking me out. Can you even go to the police about something like this? Hi Officer, my ex-boyfriend is sending me love letters, can you please arrest him? Yeah, I don't think that will go over well. I haven't told Hunter yet; I don't want this to become a big deal. Although, Miles's last email said he was going to come to see me, which is concerning.

I peek outside from the front door and look both ways. The coast seems clear. I really need an icecream cone. For some reason, it's the one thing I crave when Aunt Flow comes to town. I welcomed her with open arms this time. The amount of fooling around Hunter and I did this past week has been insane. I didn't know I had that kind of stamina. I've never considered myself athletic, but I'm on the cusp of trying out for my company's softball league.

I pick out a chocolate and caramel drumstick and pay Mr. Sanders. As I exit the bodega, I see Miles lurking by the front door; he's pressing my buzzer repeatedly. I duck back inside. Shit! I didn't bring my phone or car keys with me. Why would I? I was going downstairs. Damn cravings.

Mr. Sanders looks over at me. "Is everything ok?"

No! I want to yell, but I don't. I don't want to cause a scene. I could call someone, but I don't have any numbers memorized. This is what's wrong with our generation. Everything is stored on our phones. Who can recall phone numbers off the top of their heads?

I bite my lip as I walk up to the cash register. "Is there a way to get back into the building without going through the front door?" I whisper.

Mr. Sanders looks around, confused. "Why can't you go through the front?"

Ugh! "There's just someone there who I don't want to see right now."

Mr. Sanders flips the CCTV channels until I see Miles pop up on the screen. "This guy?" he asks. I nod. "Do you want me to call the cops or something?"

My eyes widen. "No no, please don't do that." My heart starts racing. "Can I just hang out here until he leaves?" I ask, feeling embarrassed.

Mr. Sanders nods and points to the back room. He tosses me a magazine, and I head to the back. Well, at least I have the newest volume of...GQ to read. I roll my eyes. I could go out there and grab something else, but I already feel like an inconvenience. Hmm. Should I read Grooming Tips For Facial Hair or What Your Tie Says About You? I opt for the tie article. Maybe I'll get an inside look into Hunter's psyche. After several minutes, Mr. Sander pops into the room and gives me a thumbs up.

I hastily walk around the corner and pull out my keys.

"Delilah!" A voice yells from across the street. Shit! I drop the keys and quickly pick them up and try to open the door. As I turn the handle, a hand grabs my upper arm.

"Delilah, I just want to talk," Miles begs.

I turn around and face him. "Miles, you've got to stop. Just leave. Why are you doing this?"

"I know you still love me, Dee," Miles says with overt confidence.

I narrow my eyes. Is he serious right now? "Does ignoring someone translate to love where you're from?"

"You're just scared I'm going to hurt you again." Miles leans closer to me and grazes my cheek. I recoil from his touch. "I won't hurt you. I love you."

I push him away, and he staggers backward. "First of all, don't ever tell me how I feel. Ok? You always used to do this, and I bought it every single time. No more! Secondly, I don't give a flying horse shit if you 'love me.' Are you expecting me to run into your arms and forget everything that happened? God, you're so pompous!"

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