Coma baby

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Please fell free to play Coma baby by Nicole Dollanganger while Roman sings it...or later on too if you want to feel deep pain (;

The night air hit harshly against Virgil's cheeks as he drove his motorcycle as fast as legally possible on the dark road. It'd been a bad day but getting out and driving always made him feel more refreshed. The best feeling was when he drove so fast so that all the lights became one big blur and a bubbly kind of excited feeling planted itself in his stomach.

It was hard to see in the dark but in the distance he could see a person walking on the side of the road. He rolled his eyes at the person's stupidity. He was maybe 30 meter away from them when the person stumbled and fell down on the ground with their head landing on the road.

Virgil stopped so abruptly that the motorcycle nearly slid down into the ditch. He got off and ran up to the person who had crawled away from the road and was now sitting on their knees while breathing heavily.

"Hey dude, you okay?" Virgil asked.

The person looked up with a shocked expression. It was Roman. When he saw who it was he shone up into a smile "I'm fine thank you"

Virgil reached out his hand to help the other man up "Yeah because stumbling around on a road is really a sign of you being fine" He muttered sarcastically "Idiot"

"I was just walking home from work" He pointed at the guitar case on his back "And then I kinda forgot to stop walking? It happens sometimes don't question it. What time is it?"

"1 am"

His eyes widened "Oh fishsticks Rem and Rem are gonna be pissed at me for not coming home. Oh bigger fishsticks I forgot dinner" He chuckled while looking embarrased "I've kinda only eaten an apple today. I've been too busy to eat I swear, lots of work and I overslept. I'm not trying to starve myself, I was going to ea-"

"Princey I'm not the food police you don't have to make up a bunch of exscuses. I can drive you home if you want"

"Aww look at you being all prince like and saving the damsel in distress" Roman replied while his smile widened.

"Whatever" He rolled his eyes before getting on the motorcycle again. 

He patted the place behind him. When Roman sat down and kept his distance Virgil grabbed his wrists and forced his arms to be tightly wrapped around his waist.

"Didn't know you were such a flirt" Ro teased while leaning his chin on the other man's shoulder.

"Would you rather that I'd let you fall off and crack your skull open" He muttered back while rolling his eyes.

Roman let out a loud yelp as the vehicle started to roll. He held onto the other's hoodie harder as the wind made his hair become an abselute mess. After a few minutes he realized how much his cheeks had heated up from blushing, he really should have seen this coming after getting to sit this close to his crush.

"Hey viv?" He called out while hoping that the wind didn't take his voice away. The only thing he could see was neon lights going by illuminating the back of Virgil's black helmet.

"Yeah?" He yelled back.

"If you have time would you maybe want to hang out?"

"Would I want to chew my own foot off?" 

"Is that a no?" Roman felt his hope plummet.

"No to the foot thing yes to the hanging out" The emo replied with a smirk "I just wanted to fuck with you. Hang on, I know a place"

Somehow the motorcycle sped up even more. The sound of driving so fast was defeaning and the only thing Roman could do was hold on and hope this night would never end.

Balance - Tss AuWhere stories live. Discover now