Be Mine

232 19 14

Me: *Listens to skinny love by Bon iver while writing this* It'S pOetIC CInEma

Tw: Eating disorder (Ana, mentions of BED)

Patton let out a yawn as his alarm rang. He felt with his hand until he got his phone and turned it off. The numbers on the screen were blurry without his glasses but he could make out something looking like 6 am. It was Monday so he had to be at the kindergarden he worked at at 7:30 am.

He thought he could have another 5 minutes of sleep, as a treat. He turned back and cuddled down under the warm covers once more. His leg bumped into another person's leg. He squinted at the figure laying next to him, shirtless just like him. It had to be Lev.

Lev seemed to still be sleeping so Patton gently pulled his boyfriend close and moved to press a kiss to his forhead. It wasn't until right before his lips touched the other man's corpse white skin his eyes could see enough to realize it was Logan.

One of Logan's eyes opened to glance at him for a moment before closing again. He cuddled up close to Patton's chest and went back to sleep. He was shuddering even though he was laying under a blanket.

Patton was afraid to move and wake him. He laid there unmoving like a dead fish. After a while he felt Logan shift around, sleepily rub his cheek against his chest and making grabby hands for him. He let out a yawn before rolling over to the edge of the bed. He took on his glasses and tucked in his friend, who he thought was sleeping, before leaving the room while rubbing his tired eyes.

There came sounds from the kitchen. Cabinets quietly opening, sneaking steps and plates clanging against each other. Before it got quiet again. A door opened. Patton let out a sigh. He put on his glasses and his usual blue shirt before getting up. It was 06:14.

There was a bowl half filled with cereal standing on the stove as he walked past the kitchen. Probably supposed to convince him that his love had eaten. The bathroom door was open. He slowly peeked inside. Logan had somehow found the scale Patton had hidden under the bathtub. He was just about to drop his pyjama pants to get ready to weigh himself.

Patton went up to him "Nope" He said before grabbing onto Logan's waist and yanking him up from the ground.

He carried the now very grumpy man out into the kitchen. Pat put him down by the stove and patted his head while smiling at him.

"No weighing yourself. Bad Logie, very bad Logie" He took the bowl of cereal and shoved it against his chest "Breakfast"

He looked down at the bowl before dropping it on the floor so all of the cereal spilled out "I'm fasting"


Before Patton even had time to correct him Logan had picked up his phone and held it up to his face. It was an app for weight loss. Aside from a calorie counter at the bottom there was a big timer. It said 43 hours. There was a goal that said 52 hours. That was how long he was planning to fast.

He grabbed his phone "Why do you even have this app? It's not even healthy for me to fast and I actually need to lose weight" Patton exclaimed while going into his dad mode (tm).

"You don't need to lose weight. You look wonderful" Logan assured.

"I know but I'd like to not get diabetes or cardiac arrest and also stop having back pain from holding up my own weight. You don't even know how many pants I have to buy because of my thighs rubbing together and destroying them super fast"

(Even though Anorexia is known as the mental illness that causes the most death binge eating disorder leads to a lot of death because of high obesity rate)

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