We're all losing our marbles here

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Even after a good nights sleep Patton didn't feel any better. While he ate breakfast (Weird square cereal, Virgil refused to say where he'd gotten them) Roman kept coming up with suggestions on how he could get his shining prince back.

He of course said no to all of the ideas. Seriously where would they even get a horse and a bucket of rose petals. Who the fuck was the contact Roman said could steal pidgeons and or a mariachi band for him?? After what felt like an enternity the couple managed to convince Patton to go back to the apartement.

"This is a bad idea" He whined for the seventh time while unlocking the door.

"Dad listen I'm the most negative fucker here and even I know this will go great" Virgil assured while patting his shoulder.

"Indeed!! Even if the love doesn't come now your friendship will become stronger than ever!! The reconciliation will match no other!!" Roman exclaimed, waving his arms around excidetly.

"I don't know. He reacted pretty badly to the kis-"

Their conversation immediatly stopped when they saw Logan laying limp on the ground. His mouth was half open and his eyes were rolled back into his skull.

Patton ran up to him. He hunched down on the ground and laid his cheek near his nose to see if he was breathing.

"He's..he...he's not breathing" He choked out. He laid his head down against his chest "Hi-his hear-rt has stopped"

It was 10:16 and the room fell silent.

Patton felt his entire world crumble. He held onto Logan's cold and lifeless hand as tears welled into his eyes. Virgil went straight into a panic attack. He sat down on the floor and covered his head as he hyperventilated.
Roman closed his hands into fists so hard his knuckles turned white.

"I am Not losing another one" Roman bit out "Patton do cpr. Now. I'll call 911. Virgil I'm sorry but I don't have time to help your panic attack right now"

Virgil didn't even hear him. He was so encapsulated by his thoughts he wasn't connected to reality anymore.

As Roman quickly called 911 Patton forced off Logan's shirt. All the medical facts his friend had told him was swimming around his head. If cpr is done at most 6 minutes after the heart has stopped they have a slim chance of survival. He had to hold onto hope that they weren't too late.

He pressed his hands right down on his chest with all the force he had. 1,2,3 quick presses all the way too thirty.

"The ambulance is on its way" Roman's words felt faraway.

"I'm sorry" Patton mumbled as he parsed Logan's mouth open and moved his head.

He pressed their lips together and breathed oxygen into him. He wished their lips could have met like this again during better circumstances.

As he went back to pressing his hands down onto his chest he heard Virgil quietly crying from stress. He heard Roman continuing to talk with someone on the other line of the phone ("He was like this when we got here. Yes we're his friends, I've known him for 2 years. I don't know if he has any chronic illnesses but he's diagnosed with anorexia")

A tear rolled down his cheek and dropped down onto Logan's pale white, now nearly light purple, skin. He pressed his hands down over the part where his heart was and he could hear bones crush and crumble under his fingers. He waited for some gasp, some sudden open eye, some sign of life. But none came.

"Ple-ease don't go" Patton whispered out between sobs "I need you"

The seconds ticked by. He kept counting to thirty and he kept moving their lips together and he kept hearing Virgil hysterically crying. By the time sirens could be heard Patton was so focused he didn't hear them. He had to get dragged away by paramedics. He tried to fight them off because he had to keep Logan alive!

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