Chapter 1

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Furs & Fangs: A Complicated Love Story

 Chapter 1

       Dear Diary,

       As you know, my family is now moving for like, the millionth time. Once again, we almost blew our cover because of some, um, "stupid mistake". Yes, I'm a teen vampire. My whole family is vampires. I just turned "17" actually. Well, technically I'm 200 years old, but physically I will always be 17. Anyways, so for my 200th 17 b-day my parents got me this red leather journal with a sliver buckle, that now I'm supposedly supposed to write all my thoughts and feelings in. Please, give me a break! I may be a girl, but I'm not a hippie! So, I thought I'd just put it to use and just talk about my so called "unique life". Whatever. I'm just mad about moving again. It's always either because people notice we never age, we're almost exposed, or because they decide to get in a tussle with werewolves. Ugh, I hate werewolves! They're cocky and arrogant, and think they're the best things in the world. You know what; they can all go die in a hole. I like to see them actually take me down. I could snap their neck and kill them in one swift motion, and they would never see it coming. But, I will give them some credit for always convincing my parents to leave their territory before they rip our throats out something like that. Beside the point, I don't even know where we're moving right now. Somewhere in Massachusetts I think. Hope they have tasty people...Oh, another thing you should know about me and my family is that were not cold-blooded murders. Um, like, that'd be gross. If anything, we just take a little bite...or two. And then the cool part is we can use our minds to have the person forget it even happened. Thought, sometimes things go a little too far. It's never happened to my family, the "good ones", but there are some loner vamps out there that would do anything to drain the life of someone. Please, that not for me. But I must admit, being immortal and having the speed of lightning and super strength is pretty cool! Ok, I think said enough. Um...well maybe having a diary isn't so bed. Well...whatever. Bye.

~Elsie Amber



       Elsie put down her journal and started out her car door window, watching the sun flicker through the trees down the winding road. Fall was such a beautiful time in New England, with the trees leaves all different colors and the crisp, cool air. She had her iPod in, listening to something by OneRepublic. At that moment, everything seems perfect.

       Her brother, Patrick, then tapped her on the shoulder. She took out her ear buds and looked back at him, wondering what could be so important. He's been 15 for as long as she's been 17, but he was mature for his age, considering the fact he was 200 actual years old.

       "You ok?" he asked.

       "Ya, I'm fine. Why?"

       He shrugged. "I don't know, you seemed on edge before we left. You nervous about moving again?"

       "Um, No." Um, yes she was. All she's ever really wanted was to be normal like everyone else. Sadly, being a vampire really doesn't help. All this moving never really gave her a purpose in life. She really didn't have any real friends, at least not for long. If she did, they were always disconnected from her life at some point.

       Patrick sighed. "Ok. But you let me know if anything else is bothering you, kay?"

       Elsie nodded her head. "Yea sure. No problem." She gave him a quick smile for reassurance, and went back to looking out her car door window. Sometimes, she swore to god Patrick was meant to be the older sibling. He was always looking out for her. He didn't look to bad either, what with wavy black hair and blue eyes.  

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