
901 29 2

Felix was slightly panicking. Why did he agree to the sleepover? Why? Why? WHY? 

"Can I sleep on the sofa/couch Chan?" Felix looked up with pleading eyes at Chan trying not to inconvenience him further by having a room found for him.  Chan shook his head and Felix slumped in his posture, "sorry Felix but Changbin usually takes the sofa/couch." Felix felt like sleeping on the floor right there and then: he didn't want to invade anyone's privacy by sharing rooms with them and Chan never mentioned anything about a guest room so, the floor looked real comfy to him. 

"You alright Felix?" Chan cautiously asked as he saw Felix unconsciously stare holes into his carpet. Felix's eyes welled with tears as he gave a small nod before he almost started crying. In front of Chan. For the third time this week. He wanted to go home. He wanted to run out of the door, but all he was asked about is to chose where to sleep, why the fuck was he crying? "Stupid weak little bitchy boy." Felix kept saying to himself over and over again. Chan just stood there next to Felix, slightly confused about the tears but knew he had to help somehow. 

"Shhhh, it's okay Felix," Chan said as he started to rub Felix's arms in an attempt to calm him, "you can go in my room, I'll sleep in Hyunjin's room. Don't worry about it." Felix turned closer to Chan and gave him a hug as he couldn't really say sorry any other way. Chan embraced the fragile boy and felt Felix almost melt into his hug. It was kinda cute to see Felix in a hug, Chan could admit, but he let go of the hug after a few seconds to not cause anymore damage.

"C'mon my room is this way." Felix followed and Chan opened the door to a basic looking room with a computer and microphones sat in the corner of a desk. Felix's cries were now just soft sniffles and the occasional hiccup, which Chan also kinda found adorable. "Do you have any of your things with you?" Chan asked, knowing Felix arrived with nothing but the clothes he was wearing. Felix didn't want to say he brought no clothes, he felt so stupid for bringing no clothes, shit, fuck, "oh you stupid bitch that's TWO FUCKING MISTAKES YOU MADE NOW." Felix was attacking himself in his head over stupid little things and kept attacking himself for getting angry, it felt like a stupid cycle of attacking himself over stupid things. He finally shook his head.

"That's alright Felix. If you're okay with it I have clean pyjamas in that drawer over there and you can borrow them if you want cause we're around about the same height by the looks of things. I'll leave you to get settled in and Hyunjin's room is the room next to us, see you in the morning!" Chan said cheerfully as he walked out of the door.

Felix sat down on the bed and lost balance because he sank down into it, Chan had a very nice mattress. Now all he had to do was try to get to sleep and cause no more problems.

Fast forward to about 3am 

Felix shot up straight in a cold sweat and his eyes darted around the room trying to gather his surroundings, a sharp painful ringing sound was all he could hear and he felt like he couldn't breathe. 

Chan was nowhere near asleep, all he could do was close his eyes. He never really felt like sleeping. "What was that?" Chan mumbled as he thought he heard something and decided to get up and investigate. It wasn't like he was going to sleep anyways. 

Chan quietly opened the door and switched on the landing light. "Bro shut the fucking door!" Hyunjin whisper-yelled from underneath his duvet. Of course Chan did what he was yelled at to do, he was so curious about the noise and it would give him something to do.

Felix was crying quietly and curled up in a ball, he couldn't move. Simple pieces of furniture became twisted and distorted people and his brain was starting to take off with worries. 

Chan stood in the middle of the landing, the noise wasn't there anymore. Did he just hear things again? As soon as he was about to open the door and go back into Hyunjin's room, he heard a sniffle. "Maybe I should go check on Felix and see if he's asleep yet? What's the harm in that?"

Felix heard a creak through the ringing noises and shouting thoughts but he couldn't look up, he was too scared to look up. All he could do was listen to the harsh, toxic words of the twisted people.

He started to sob louder.

"Ah fuck, Felix are you okay?!" Chan exclaimed, highly nervous about what was in front of him and he was quick to switch on the light too. The twisted people were quick to disappear and what once was their shouts, was now nothing louder than whispers. Felix felt weak, he felt like an idiot in front of Chan because all Chan sees is him crying.

Chan cautiously went over towards the bed and picked up Felix from the foetal position and began to rock him in his arms. "You're going to be okay buddy just listen to my voice. I'm here with you right now and I'm not going to leave until you're okay and if you want to you can tell me what happened." 

"He doesn't care about you."


A/N - So um, hi... I know I said I was leaving Wattpad and all but I just came back to finish this chapter and post it because it was nearly done anyways and I didn't want to leave you on a sleeping placement cliff-hanger.

Yeah so this isn't me coming back after I said I won't, this is me coming back to post things that I had finished and never got round to posting.

Hope you all are well!

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