Aptitude Test

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Amity. The place of peace and love. The place that's supposed to be the most calm. The place of forgiveness. Not in my world. Amity is the place of hell for me. The place where I earn scars for being me. Being a disappointment. Being worthless.

I'm now 16 and get to choose in a few days. Today is the day where I take my aptitude test. This test tells me where I belong.

Erudite. The place of knowledge and books. The ones that value knowledge over everything.

Candor. The place of truth and honesty. The ones that value honesty over anything and speak the truth even when you don't want them to.

Abnegation. The place of selflessness. The ones who value putting others first over anything.

Dauntless. The place of bravery. The place where everyone is free. The ones who value bravery over cowardice. They blame cowardice for the war.

I got up and went for my morning run like I always do. I run for about 3 hours every morning and have done since I could walk. It used to be just 5-10 minutes but I have gotten used to it now.

I then went to do the chores. I do all the heavy lifting because it helps build my muscle. I am the only girl who does this job and they all respect me for it.

Then I went to my house to clean up so I can go to school for my aptitude test. I walked in and saw my father. My mother died when I was born.

He looked at me and scoffed. I just rolled my eyes. I saw his eyes go wide. I never stand up to him in the slightest. But now I don't care.

He motioned for me to come to him. I just stood there and looked at him with a smug look on my face.

"Come here now you piece of shit!"

"No" he ran over to me and slammed me into the wall with his hand round my throat. I couldn't breath but I wasn't going to give in just yet.

He then undid his belt and whipped my back with it over and over again. He then dragged me up off of the floor and smashed a glass bottle over my face.

He then left me there on the floor bleeding out. I got up and ran to school and ran straight to the bathrooms to clean up. I had a cut on my lip, forehead, nose and jaw. They were deep. I applied pressure to stop the bleeding and cleaned up any dried up blood.

I pulled up my top and looked at my back. It was covered in scars and now dried blood with fresh wounds.

I walked to my first and last class of the day and ever. Our days were cut short so we could go to the tests today.

I sit down and I am immediately bombarded with abnegation faces and a certain stupid erudite that has to make my life more miserable.

Ryder. "Did the trees hit back from you hugging them?" I just ignored him. I really wasn't in the mood.

We are now in the canteen waiting for our names to be called. I sit on my own in the corner. I have always been on my own.

I look around at all the different factions. Especially dauntless. They are carefree, loud and fun. They are reckless but I love that.

"Sarah Eden" I stood up and walked into the room. There were mirrors everywhere. I looked at the lady doing my test and I could instantly tell she was from dauntless.

"Take a seat"

"I'm Tori and I will be administering your test today. Drink this" she handed me a cup with blue water in it. I drank it and I started to drift off into a land I don't know.

I woke up and saw that I was on my own. I saw my reflection a hundred times over.

"Choose" I frowned and asked why. "Just choose before it's too late"

I looked and there was a table with a knife or raw meat. I picked up both at the same time so I didn't lose any of them.

I heard a growl and turned around. I saw a vicious looking dog looking at me like it was about to kill me.

I read somewhere that they can smell fear so I calmed down my breathing and just kneeled down before it.

The dog came charging at me and I just looked down. I then heard a purring. I looked and the dog was a puppy. I stroked it and was enjoying my time. When I heard a little girl shout "puppy!"

I looked at her and she looked terrified. I looked at the dog and it was now the dog again and it started to charge at her.

I ran and jumped on the dog and used the knife to cut its leg only enough to wound it.

The scene then changed to a bus. There was a man with a scarred face reading a newspaper that had a man who was wanted on it.

He looked familiar but wasn't sure who it was. The man then snapped his head at me and looked at me amused.

"Do you know who that man is?" I looked again and frowned.

"You could save me!"

"He looks familiar but I'm not sure where from. I'm sorry" he then grabbed me by my shoulders and started to shout and shake me.

"You could save me from this evil man. You are a privileged little girl who is good for nothing!" I got angry so I elbowed his arm and twisted it until it broke.

I then woke up to see tori looking scared. She was fiddling with the computer. I juts looked at her confused.

"We need to go out the back before a supervisor comes"

"No what was my result?" She continued to drag me. I snapped. I yanked my arm out of her grip and stared at her.

"What. Was. My. Result?"

"Amity. And abnegation and candor and erudite and dauntless"

"Wha- no that's can't be"

"Your results were inconclusive. You are what we call divergent"

"A what?"

"Divergent. They are known as a threat to society. No matter what you do, don't tell anyone, not even your parents. I have manually put in amity."

She shoved me out the door and I just stood there. I had read about divergents. They are hunted in this society. They can't fit into just one faction meaning they will 'disrupt the peace'

I walked home just thinking and thinking. I have no idea what faction to choose. I could go into abnegation and live a miserable life without any action and excitement. Or candor and only speak the truth but it's too easy for me to lie. Or erudite and read books for the rest of my life. Or dauntless where I can be free and learn to defend myself if I ever come face to face with my father again. Or stay in amity and possibly get killed.

I got home and luckily my father was working so I went to bed.

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