Rankings Party

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The others went to go zip lining. I decided against it because I'm going to train for tomorrow's fights. I need to get my ranking up again.

I am walking through the dark and dim lit corridor when I feel someone following me. I start jogging to the training room.

No one followed me so it was probably just me being paranoid. I started off with basic combat training and building up my strength again that I had lost from my recovery.

My knuckles split and were bleeding slightly. Bruises formed on my shoulder from the comeback on the gun. My body on my fire from the aching of training. But I push through it.

I'm just about to finish up when Four walks in. He walks over to me in the ring and looks at me with a smirk.

"Come on then. Let's spar" he said getting into position. I chuckled and get ready. We circle each other for a little bit and then start to fight but not actually hit each other just practicing blocking techniques.

We carry on for about an hour before we get tired and head off to dinner. Once we get to the cafeteria we split as usual. I heard loads of people shouting my name.

I look and see all the initiates calling me over to sit with them. I smile and jog over to tell. I squeeze in between tris and a dauntless born.

They were all congratulating me on the combat game and how amazing I was. I just did what was efficient and tactical.

"You were amazing. Telling people to get in their place"

"Beating the crap out of Molly again!"

"Sneaking up on Peter!l

"Ok! Ok! Guys! Thank you. Honestly that means a lot" I said smiling. This is where I belong.

Whilst we ate we talked about all sorts of things like how we feel about how the first part of initiation is almost over and how we have made it this far.

"There's a party going on in the Pit tonight you coming?" Will asked me. Everyone looked at me for an answer.

"I don't know. Parties aren't really my place"

"Oh come on! It's just one night" Chris said. I sighed knowing I'm not going to win against Candor.

"Ok. I will come" everyone cheered. It was now about 6pm and we could do whatever we wanted now. The girls dragged me out to get some clothes for tonight.

I am now sitting in the changing rooms waiting for them to change about a million times to see if they like what they look like in this outfit.

"What about this one?" Tris asked. I nodded. This went on for about 3 hours before they were sold on a specific outfit.

"I'm just going to get this" I stated and walked over to buy it before they could protest. It was some black shorts with studs on the side and a strapping T-shirt with red stripes on.

As we made our way back to the dorms. The girls were talking f about how they want to flirt with some people and how they want to impress a certain person.

"What about you Eden? Are you impressing anyone?" Tris asked. I shrugged.

"No. Not really just going for a good time" they both huffed.

"Max is showing us our rankings tonight. Some people will be leaving" Chris said worriedly.

"We will be fine. I'm sure" I reassured them.

We finally made it back to the dorms.

I went to have a shower before anyone came in as Tris and Chris both went to train for a little bit.

As I showered I just thought about how much my life has changed in such a short amount of time. I was just the shy little girl who never spoke to anyone. To now having friends and able to stand up for myself.

I am now free to be whoever I want to be and I will work hard for that.

I got changed and put my hair into two Dutch braids. I bit my lips to make them look more red and plump and put some water on my lashes to make it look like I have makeup on.

I looked at myself in the mirror for a little and then made my way to the pit. As I was walking I felt someone following me again.

I just jogged to the pit to make sure that I wasn't alone if anything did happen.

I looked around whilst tugging at my sleeves because I'm nervous as I didn't see any of my friends.

I see Four and he is standing there talking to some dauntless members. For some reason my heart started to beat at a million miles per minute and I got even more nervous. Which I didn't even think was possible.

He turned around and made eye contact with me. I smiled and he made his way over. Fiddling with hands even more as my cheeks started to heat up even more.

"Hey. Congratulations" he said smiling. I smiled back, slightly taken aback.

"Thank you"

"You know I wanted to say that you were really good tonight" he said almost nervously.

"You were brave," he said, slightly touching my arm. Butterflies erupted in my stomach almost instantly.

I heard my name being shouted from a distance. I turned and saw Tris calling me over.

"You don't want to keep your friends waiting" he winked and went back to talking with the dauntless members.

I chuckled to myself and shook my head at myself. I then made my way over to my friends and had a good time.

After about 2 hours of talking, drinking, dancing and all sorts. Max walks in and stands on the balcony ready for his speech.

Immediately everyone goes quiet and watched him. Everyone anxious as to whether they are continuing with initiation or becoming factionless.

"If you are ranked above the red line. You move onto the second stage of training. If you're below it, we waste no more time on you. Here are your rankings ......"

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