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Clang. Clang. Clang! My eyes shot open. I sat up and made eye contact with Four. He was hitting a metal pole onto the metal stairs.

"I want everyone in the pit. 2 minutes" I groan.

"You alright?" Tris asked me to put her shoes on.

"Peachy" I put on my shoes and out my hair into a ponytail  and ran out to meet Four and Eric in the pit.

"Training is split into two parts. Physical. Push your bodies to the breaking point. You're I'll master the methods of combat. Mental. Again breaking point. You will face your worst fears. You will conquer them unless they get to you first. You will be training separate from the Dauntless born but ranked together. Your ranking will determine which job you get. Leadership, guarding the fence or keeping the faction less from killing each other."

"Your ranking will also determine who gets cut"

"Cut?" I asked frowning slightly.

"The lowest ranking initiates in each stage of training will be leaving us"

"Where will we go?" Another said.

"Well there's no going back to your old factions so you will become factionless"

We were then led to wherever our trading starts I'm guessing. On our way there all I could think about was if I was going to pass initiation. What's if I'm not good enough? Am I too much of a softy? I mean I did get abnegation after all. I am going to try with all my might to pass this. No more vulnerable Eden. No more cowardice, no more emotion.

Four had led us to a dim lit room with a square pad in the middle of the room and there were punching bags on one side d the room. He got one of the dauntless members to help him show us how to fight. The basics.

We were now standing on the roof and it was a shooting range. I have never held a gun in my life. Four was showing us how to stand and aim correctly. I soaked up every bit of information he was giving us.

He then slammed a gun into everyone's hands and we all started to shoot. I remember his stance and tried to correctly imitate it. I relax my shoulders and let my mind go blank. Inhale. Aim. Exhale. Shoot.

I did it and hit the target in the middle for the first time. I didn't boast about it just yet. It could be beginners luck. I did it again and again and again.

"Woah. You hella amazing at this. Ever done it before?" Will asked. I shook my head which made his eyebrows go further up on his forehead.

"Initiate. How did you do that?" I turned and saw Eric and he was talking to me. I just shrugged my shoulders and started to shoot again.

"Don't turn your back to me. Tell me how you did that!" Eric said, yanking me around to face him. I put on this stern look and just looked him dead in the eye and laughed.

"I just did what I was taught to do" he just turned around and walked away. I could feel the anger radiate off of him. I tried to hide my smirk and went back to shooting. The shoot back was only a little painful but I know for a fact that I'm going to have a bruised shoulder tomorrow.

We then started to make our way back to the training room. We were practicing the basic moves Four taught us and were building up our forearm strength for blocking. I felt this tension build up all of a sudden and I see out of the corner of my eye that Eric had just walked in.

I mentally rolled my eyes and carried on practicing with Tris. I heard mumbling from Eric and Four. I then heard Eric shout.....

"First jumper in the ring!" I made my way over there and waited to see who I was fighting.

"And the last jumper!" I saw Molly, one of Peter's minions, walking into the ring. She was a lot bigger than me and had so much more muscle that me. But that will be to her disadvantage because I can be quicker than her.

"How long do we fight for?" She asked Eric.

"Until one of you can't continue" he said with a smug face. Four steps up and inturpts.

"Or one of you concedes"

"According to the old rules. New rules. No one concedes"

"A brave man never surrenders" Eric proudly said. But much to my happiness four shuts him down.

"Lucky for you those weren't the rules when we fought"

"You will be scored on this so fight hard" I made quick eye contact with four and for some reason I felt reassured that I could do this.

Molly started to step towards me and I started to step back. I then felt a cold concrete floor on my bare feet. Sending a shiver down my spine

I was just about to step back onto the ring when a big egotistical guy opened his mouth.

"Oh come on hippy. You should be used to getting hit" my head whipped into his direction. A glare sent his way. He just smirked.

I jumped into the ring and started to hit Molly straight away. She was vicious and she didn't let me punch her without a fight. I jabbed her in the throat and she let down her guard so I punched her over and over again. She flipped me onto my back and sat onto top of me punching my face.

I lifted my hips and wrapped my legs around her throat and yanked her backwards. I stood up and waited for her to recover and then grabbed her arm and dislocated it and then knocked her out with a punch to her temple.

I wiped my lip and watched Peter and Al take her to the infirmary. I just stood there processing what I had just done. I'm a monster. I'm just like him.

"Christina and Edward in the ring!" Eric shouted. Chris looked scared. Edward is like 3 times the size of her.

Chris ended up giving up and Eric was being suspiciously nice but I knew something was up. We were following them and we were making our way to the chasm.

He had his hand on the small of her back. We made it to the bridge over the chasm and he threw her over the edge whilst holding her hand until her other hand grabbed the bridge.

"Hold on...... or don't"

"You hang there and I will forgive your cowardice. You let go and die or you give up. But then you will become factionless"

I can't just stand here and watch her go through this. I'm used to hanging on for my life.

I can't stop Eric but he can't stop me. I pushed through the crowd and jumped off and grabbed onto the bridge with her. She looked shocked.

"You hang. I hang. You give up. I give up. You drop. I drop" we hung there. I could hear her whimpers and groans.

After a while Eric shouted "time!" And Tris and Will came to pull her back up. I got by myself and stretched out my muscles.

"Dauntless never give up!" He glared at me then dismissed us. I walked off and went for a run. I ran for about an hour before going into the training room.

I then practiced and practiced. I am not going to fall below that line. I will make it into dauntless. I chose dauntless.

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