Not Alone

501 13 0

1. Eden
2. Peter
3. Tris
4. Edward
5. Uriah
6. Sarah
7. Molly
8. Lukas
9. Will
10. Chris
11. Al
12. Andrew
13. Drew
14. Jack
15. Mat
16. Marlene
17. Lynn
18. April
19. Mike
20. Myra
21. Clara

Cheers erupted around us but also sobs. Me, Tris, Will, Chris, Al. We all made it and I made it to first again. All my hard work has paid off. Now I just need to obtain that position in stage two.

People were hugging each other and cheering. Mostly everyone was happy. I caught a glimpse of Eric staring at me in the corner as I was pulled away by Chris so that we could celebrate.

Just as we were finishing congratulating everyone. Eric told us that we need to help with the trades for the rest of the day. Being grumpy as ever.

We all made our way outside where the amity trucks are. I'm scared I'm going to see someone I know. Or even worse my father.

As we got there, everyone dispersed to different areas. I used to help with the trades of all time so I went over to the truck that had the heaviest things because they need more help than the others.

Walking back and forth from truck to truck. Constantly carrying huge bags of food source. It gets knackering after a while.

A few moments later I realise that Tris is not anywhere to be seen. I look around and see that no one else has noticed. So I slip away sneakily and go to find her.

I am creeping around crates and hay stacks when I hear talking. I hide behind a crate and try to listen to make sure that it is tris and not someone who wants to kill me.

"What were your test results?" I heard a familiar voice speak.

"It's ok you can tell me" Natalie prior.

"They were inconclusive," tris replied hesitantly. My eyes widen. She is the same as me.

I didn't hear much else because I heard footsteps. I assumed it was her mother she was talking to. I looked around for a way to stall whoever is coming so they can at least finish their conversation.

I threw something in the distance so they are aware of someone coming. I then saw it was a dauntless member. I jumped around the corner and yanked them both behind another crate and we hid from him.

He walked around where we were standing so I chucked an empty can in the opposite direction and turned to them.

"Are you guys ok?" I asked. They nodded.

"Ok we'll finish up whatever you guys were doing and then tris we need to get back they are almost finished" they hugged each other and Natalie gave Tris a kiss to her forehead. She nodded her head at me and smiled as a thank you. I smiled back and grabbed tris' hand and we ran to the others but not obviously.

We continued working as if nothing had happened. Everyone was packing up and starting to leave.

We made our way back to the dauntless compound. I felt better that I wasn't alone but we could not tell anyone.

We were all sitting in our beds either talking or cleaning our stuff for the following day. I sat there thinking as usual. Probably not the smartest thing to do but oh well.

"Hey Eden?" Looked up and hummed in response to Tris.

"Can I speak with you for a minute?" She indicated to the corridor with her head. I stood up and followed her.

She pulled me into a corner and she looked worried but also angry. I just pretended as if whatever she was doing wasn't fazing me.

"How much did you hear earlier?" She said.

"Your test results" her eyes widened.

"It's alright I understand" I stated calmly.

"How could you possibly understand?! Hmm? You're not in my position" she started stressing.

"Oh but I am" I said smugly. She whipped her head towards me in a questionable way.

"I'm too divergent" I whispered.

"What did you get?" She whispered back.

"Amity, Erudite, Abnegation, Candor and Dauntless"

"I only got Dauntless, Abnegation and Amity. I guess we are in the same boat" I hugged her and made my way back to the dorms.

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