Abnegation Side

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Clang. Clang. Clang. The usual sound of the beautiful alarm that we have. The usual 2 minutes to get ready.

I got up, put on deodorant, put my hair up into a ponytail and got my boots on. As I was doing so I could see tris and Chris looking at me.

Tris's POV -
Me and Chris were getting ready for training. We are worried about Eden. She has distanced herself and has been pushing herself so much.

She seems like she has nothing to fight for almost apart from being in dauntless. We haven't spoken since she hung from the bridge with Chris.

"Do you think she is ok?" I asked Chris. Chris looks at her with a worried expression on her face and shrugs.

"I sure hope so," she adds.

Eden's POV -
I ran into the training room to see targets and knives laid out on the table. This got me excited. I have always wanted to know how to throw knives.

We got shown how to do it and we then started practicing straight away. As usual Eric was watching over us.

I threw my first knife and I hit the target but not in the centre. I used the same technique as when shooting a gun. Inhale. Aim. Exhale. Shoot.

I felt a presence behind me. I was still trying to hit the centre. I then felt big warm hands on my waist.

I felt a shiver go down my spine and butterflies in my stomach. I looked over my shoulder slightly to see Four.

"Use tension here. It will help with hitting the centre" I nodded slightly feeling slightly nervous. I don't get nervous that easily.

There's something about Four that makes me feel safe, secure. But I have no idea why we have never even had a proper conversation. Just exchanged glances and a welcome.

"Everybody stop!" Eric shouted. I mentally rolled my eyes. Does he ever shut up?

He was telling Al to stand in front of the target and get knives thrown at him. This is outrageous. Honestly who does he think he is? I'm not letting anyone get hurt for no reason.

I could see tris on the edge of saying something just as four was about to throw the first knife. I knew that she would get hurt or punished if she did. I'm 2nd on the ranking list. I won't be affected that much by a few points deducted.

"Stop! Why do you think that proves anything? Al switch with me" I said before Eric could. I could see the disagreement in fours eyes. I couldn't let him get hurt because Eric has this hunger for power.

"You flinch your out got it?" I nod once.

"I agree," tris said whilst walking up to the target next to me. I looked at her with wide eyes as if to say that she is making a mistake.

"Same goes for you"

Eric automatically stood in front of me and four was in front of Tris. I knew he wouldn't hurt her that bad so I wasn't worried. I could see in Tris' eyes that she was scared. I grabbed her hand and squeezed her telling her she was going to be ok.

Eric threw his first knife and it was right next to my head. The next one right next to my leg. The third one slightly cut my neck and the final one stabbed me in the forearm. But I still don't flinch.

I heard everyone gasp. I knew that Eric was going to punish me every moment he has. He dismissed everyone and I just stood there. Tris was in shock, four was packing up the knives and I just simply tore off a piece of my shirt and wrapped it around my arm.

"Tris are you alright?" I said to her. She nodded and then walked over to Four.

"You cut me" she stated.

"I meant too"

"You meant too?"

"You think he was going to let you out of there without a scratch. You would still be standing there if I hadn't of hit you"

"So am I supposed to thank you?"

"You're supposed to be smart. The both of you" I lifted my head up at the mention of us both.

"I couldn't let All get hurt or become factionless. You know he won't have been able to not flinch. I didn't even want Tris to do it either. I'm used to this sort of stuff they aren't. We barely started a few days ago"

They looked at me confused. I just looked at my feet and waited for them to ask me questions. I heard footsteps and I felt a presence come in front of me,

I looked up and saw four right in front of me looking directly into my eyes. Tris has gone. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Let's get you cleaned up" he said lightly putting his hand on the small of my back. Butterflies erupting in my stomach.

He led me to an apartment, which I was guessing was his. It was simple but practical. He motioned for me to sit on his bed. I sat there and tried not to show pain.

He had grabbed a cloth and crouched down in front of me. He unwrapped my arm and saw the deep cut. He started to wipe it but it stung like a bitch.

I hissed in pain and grabbed his hand to stop him. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths.

"I'm sorry" I shook my head and he continued. Once he was finished cleaning up my wound he sat on the bed next to me.

"You alright?" Looking into my eyes. I took in the detail of his face. The slight scar he has on his upper lip and his deep blue eyes.

"Yeah just getting by you know"

"Visiting day tomorrow" He stated. I looked down at the floor and just stayed silent.

"I'm going to go and get some rest. See you tomorrow Four. Thank you" I smiled. He smiled back and nodded. I walked out of his apartment and tried to make my way back to the dorm. Which proved difficult.

As I was walking my mind was just racing at a million miles per hour. Will my dad come to see me? Will he hit me for leaving? Will he try to take me somewhere? Will he act like the Amity he is supposed to be?

I finally got the dorm and everyone was asleep apart from Tris. I sat on my bed and got ready to go to sleep.

"Eden?" I hummed in response.

"Thank you"

"You don't need to thank me. That's what friends do" then silence filled the room and snores.

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