Combat Games

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"Is she going to be ok?"

I opened my eyes slowly and was blinded by the fluorescent lighting. I saw black figures in front of me. My vision started clearing.

"Are you okay?" I looked next to me and saw Tris. She didn't look as beaten up as when I brought her in here.

"How long have I been out?" I asked. They all looked around worried. I closed my eyes in defeat. I already know that I'm out of dauntless.

"3 days" Will said quietly. I just looked down and fiddled with my hands. 3 days will really knock me down below the line.

"Eric said you're both out" I shot my head up. I had worked so hard to get here and now because Eric is having a paddy he wants to kick me out.

"Where are you guys going?" Tris asked. I could hear the worry in her voice.

"Combat games" I leant back and just thought.

"I'm sorry guys" Chris says sitting on my bed stroking my arm. I looked at tris and her eyes were watering.

"We need to go. We will miss the train"

"Bye guys" I waved pathetically and watched them walk away.

"Do you think we will survive in factionless?" Tris asks me, terrified. I am not going down without a fight. I worked so hard for the position I had and I will get it back.

"We won't. Because we will be going"

"But we are kicked out" she said getting out of her bed. I got up and put on my boots and jacket. I put my hair into a tight ponytail and started walking.

"That's what Eric says. What we say is something different. We worked hard to get where we are. So we will stay no matter what. You ready?"

"Yeah let's go"

We made our way to the train tracks and watched the train leave the compound. We started to run. I made sure I was behind her so I could make sure she got onto the train.

She jumped on and I could see four watching us from the door. I was running and four helped me onto the train. I smiled at him and thanked him.

"Hey guys!" I said walking over to Will and Chris. They were shocked to say the least. I saw initiates getting pushed out of the way further up the train but I ignored it for now.

"Hey! Who let you guys out?" Eric shouted, getting in Tris' face. I stood in between them and pushed Tris behind me slightly.

"Me" he looked me dead in the eye and he shrugged.

"Ok" everyone was looking at this point. Everyone was shocked. I was. I felt good. I'm still here and I just got Eric to shut up.

I saw four trying not to laugh. I smiled at that and started to talk to my friends. That's really weird to say. Friends. Never had those before. But new beginnings. New me.

We were on the train for a while before anyone said anything. I just stood at the door looking out and seeing the different factions. There were hardly any lights on because it was like 2am.

"The game is simple. It's like Capture the Flag." Four states slamming down a duffel bag.

"Weapon of choice!" Eric shouted, holding up a gun to show everyone. It looked like a usual play gun but I knew that that was not the case. This is dauntless.

"Call that a gun" Molly tried to say smartly. Eric loaded it and shot her in the leg. You could hear the gasp fill everyone's lungs like smoke.

She falls and slams into the wall and groans in pain. Eric bends down and yanks it out of her leg.

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