Meeting the Gang

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Ponyboy P.O.V
Wow, who is this girl. I know I recognize her from school. She's in some of my classes. We have talked before but nothing major. I think her name is Claire. She's so beautiful. She's been friends with dally. She's tough, has blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes. She's real thin, too. "So Claire, this is my gang. This is Keith Matthews. He's the oldest, loves Mickey Mouse and cake. We call him Two Bit. This is Darrel Curtis. We call him Darry. He roofs houses and his parents have passed away in an auto wreck. This is Darry's younger brother Sodapop Curtis. He's 16, works at the DX,and he sure is a charmer. Most girls think that. That's Steve Randle. 17 years old, Soda's best buddy, works at the DX, loves cars and cake. That's Johnny Cade. He's real shy. He's 16 and his parents kind of abuse him, but he's really tough. We couldn't live without him. And that right there is the youngest of our gang and the youngest Curtis brother. His names Ponyboy. Man there's so much about him. He loves books, movies, watching sunsets, and gets good grades like you. You're like the girl version of Ponyboy." said Dally. "Well, it's honestly a pleasure to meet all of you. And Johnny im so sorry about your parents and Darry, Sodapop, and Ponyboy im sorry about your parents too. My parents and brother also died in an auto wreck a year ago." said Claire. "Nah, don't worry about it. And by the way you can call me Soda, not Sodapop." said Soda. "Well, ok. Thanks guys. And Dally I really missed you." said Claire. "Hey, Claire, I missed you more. Hey let's all head down to the Curtis house. It could be fun." said Dally. "Ya, that's a great idea." I(Ponyboy) said. And with that we went to my house, me talking to Claire the whole way there.

Hey guys. Sorry my chapters are short. I promise the next one will be so much longer. And thank you all for reading my story. The next chapter will be updated tonight. Love you all💞

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