Merry Christmas (chapter 12)

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Ponyboys POV
I woke up feeling all groggy. Then I remembered. It's Christmas. I got out of bed and Claire wasn't next to me. She was sleeping on the couch again. I got up and started screaming. It was to wake everyone up. I screamed so loud everyone started screaming and Claire jumped up and jumped on me. "Oh my god I'm so sorry Ponyboy." She said. "But Merry Christmas." she said. "You too Claire. Merry Christmas." I gave her a big hug and I kissed her cheek. "Alright everyone lets open these presents!!" Two Bit said. Everyone started whooping and cheering. "WAIT! You guys are forgetting something. You never said Merry Christmas to each other." Claire reminded them. "Oh, right. Merry Christmas everyone." Two Bit said. "Now, everybody wait while I give each of you presents from each person." Claire said. They all started complaining. "Ok, you know what. Screw this. Just open your presents." She said. Everyone started whooping and cheering.

Claire's POV
Darry picked me up and put me on his shoulders. "Ok pumpkin, open mine first." Darry said. I opened it. It was a new leather jacket. "Darry! I've always wanted one. Thank you!" I said. "No problem." He said. "Ok Claire. This ones from me, Steve, and Two Bit." Sodapop said. "We couldn't afford much, but we got you some of this girly stuff." He said. It was perfume, some shower stuff, and a Mickey sweater. "You guys, you know it doesn't matter how much you spend on me. It's the thought that counts. And I know this was expensive. So thank you. It means a lot." I gave them all a big hug. "Ok Claire, open this one." Johnny said. "A phone case! (Just go with it. Lol) Thank god. I was getting worried my phone was gonna end up breaking from dropping it all the time. And 3 books. Thanks Johnny. Wait, you got me Gone With the Wind, with the movie? I've never seen it. Thank you so much Johnny!" I said. "Thank you for all the presents. I'm gonna go put them away."
I said. "Wait! Claire. I have a present for you, too." Ponyboy said. "Oh, really?" I asked. That was shocking. "Ya. Here, open it." He said. "Well, alright." I said. I took off the wrapping paper and opened the box. Shoes? I opened it. They were Doc Martens. I love Doc Martens. I've always wanted them but I never had the money. "Ponyboy. Th-this is great. How? These were so expensive. Thank you. Really. I appreciate it so much." I said truly thankful. "There's something else in there for you, Claire." He said. I looked inside. And there it was. The promise ring he was going to give me. I thought he said we were over. "I thought you said we broke up, Ponyboy?" I asked. "That was a mistake I hope to never make again. Because I love you. A lot." he said. Y-you, you love me?" That's a shocker. "Well, I love you too. And I'm sorry." I said. "I'm sorry, too." And with that, he kissed. "And Ponyboy, yes." I said. "Yes what?" He asked. "Yes, I promise that when we're older, I will marry you." I said. "Really?!??!" He picked me up and spun me around. I have the best boyfriend ever.

Hey guys. Sorry if it's not good. Comment if u ship pony and Claire or nah?😂❤️. Next chapter is a pony and Claire smut so be prepared. If u find that gross or offensive PLZ don't read.
Stay gold💛

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