Waking Up (chapter 5)

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*the picture up top is what Claire wore to sleep*

Claire's POV
I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs cooking in the kitchen. It was 7:30 a.m. and it was a Saturday so no school! I looked on the other side of the bed and it was empty so Ponyboy must have already woken up. The guys left when Ponyboy and I went to bed last night. As I walked in the kitchen I was surprised to see the whole gang there. I was really embarrassed because I slept in a tank top and really short shorts. "Aw, Claire looks adorable in her little pajamas. Man, you're thin."said Steve. "Ya ya I've heard it before I don't need to hear it again." I said. Then Ponyboy came out of the bathroom and said good morning. We all ate around the tv watching Mickey because obviously Two Bit found it on one of the channels. Typical *rolls eyes and giggles*.

*one week later*

Sodapop's POV
Claire told me that she had s crush on Ponyboy. It was obvious. They would be the most adorable couple out their. Both of them liking sunsets, books, movies and all that stuff. Well today we all decided it would be a good day to go to the beach. It was a Saturday with the weather warm outside. We would split up the cars. Four people in Darry's truck and four people in Dally's T-Bird. It was me, Claire, Dally and Steve in Dally's T-Bird and Ponyboy, Johnny, Darry and Two Bit in Darry's truck.
"Ok guys, do we have everything? We have the picnic basket, swimsuits, towels, and water. Are we missing anything?" Asked Darry. "Nope" I responded. "Well than lets hit the road." I said.

Claire's POV
I was kind of bummed out that I wasn't in the same car as Ponyboy. But oh well. I had dally, soda and steve. This should be fun....
*skip to when we get to the beach*
"Okay guys what should we do first." I asked. "Well, first let's go change real quick. Claire will you be alright going to the bathroom by yourself?" Dally asked. "Oh ya, I'll be fine." I answered. "Ok great." He said.
We all changed and met up at the beach again. Everybody went in the water except me. "Hey Claire are you gonna get in the water?" Johnny shouted. "Ya I'm just waiting to get used to the cold." Right after I said that, Ponyboy came and picked me up bridal style and threw me in the water. I was so mad at him. "I hate you Ponyboy." I groaned. "Aw, you love me." I was mad, but once he said that I started smiling. We talked and swam in the water together most of the time and we ate sandwiches and had fun. Later we all headed back to the curtis house.

*the next morning*

Claire's POV
I woke up at 7:30. The usual. I walked into the kitchen and soon enough so did Ponyboy. "Hey pony" I said really cheerful. He just looked at me and mumbled "shit" under his breath. Um, ok that was confusing. He walked out the door and closed it. Well, more like slammed. Everyone was looking at him and me and two bit broke into laughter. "It's not funny" I said, tears welling into my eyes, "what did I even do to him?" I ran out the door and caught up to Ponyboy. "Ponyboy why are you mad at me?" I asked, "we had fun yesterday and all of a sudden you treat me like I'm a person you hate. What's going on?" I asked worriedly. "What's wrong is that you're so perfect. You're beautiful and smart and you use your head. And what am I? A piece of shit, that's what I am. You don't even look like a greaser. You look like those beautiful models in the magazines. And I'm just a moron growing up on the wrong side of town. Someone who doesn't ever use his head." He ranted. "Ponyboy. Look at me. I like you. I liked you even when you didn't notice me. I thought that you didn't like me. And by the way, I don't use my head. If I did, I wouldn't walk these streets on my own at night." I said. "Claire I like you a lot." and with that he kissed me. It was magical. I shared my first kiss with someone who I want to share my life with. "AWWWW!!" We turned around and the whole gang was there staring at us. We both blushed. It was the best moment of my life.

Hey guys. I told u it would be a longer chapter. Thanks for the 49 reads. I appreciate. More to come. Next chapter will be updated tomorrow.
Stay gold💛

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