Stay With Me (chapter 10)

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Claire's POV
I woke up in the hospital bed, wondering why I was here in the first place. I looked around and saw the gang in there staring at me. "Hey Claire. How are you? Do you remember anything that happened?" Dally asked worried. "No, not really why?" I asked. "Claire you were shot." Dally said. "Oh." I said tears forming in my eyes. I remembered. I remembered yelling at Ponyboy and telling them I went to prison. I heard the door open and the nurse came in. "Are you boys her family?" The nurse asked. "Not blood related. But, we're the closest family she's got." Steve said. "I'm sorry boys, but only real family can stay with her. The chances of her living are very very slim. You see, the bullet released a poison when it came in contact with her skin. When she was shot, the bullet went deep inside her and did not come out. It's right in her back and it's very difficult to take out. She only has another, say, 3-4 days to live. Luckily, it wasn't the most dangerous kind of poison so she has more time to live. Also, it will be difficult since she is very thin. But for the time being you boys need to stay out of her room." She explained. I Couldn't help it. Tears were slipping from my eyes. "Wait, guys. I have this picture for you. It's all of us on Darry's truck." I said. I gave it to Dally. "Don't worry Claire. You're gonna be fine." Two Bit said. "I love you guys." I said. "We love you too." then they left and sat outside.

Dally's POV
I can't believe Claire is not gonna make it. This is my fault. I never shoulda left her in New York. I was so mad. Claire out the picture in a frame. I looked at it. I could feel hot tears running down my face. I punched the picture and the glass broke. "Wait a minute guys, there's a piece of paper in it." Ponyboy said. "Yea read it Dal." soda said. "Alright, alright." I said. This is what the letter read.

Dear Two Bit, Darry, Steve, Dally, Sodapop, Johnnycakes, and Ponyboy,
I know I don't have much time left, but I wanted to let you guys know that I love y'all. I care about you guys a lot. And I know you guys don't know when my birthday is. I never even told Dally. But, since I don't have much time left, I will just tell you guys. I will be turning 14 on July 31, 1951. Thank you for being there for me.

Stay gold
~Claire Dylan
Signed: 12-16-1950

Hey guys. That's it for this chapter. I'm still deciding if I should kill Claire off. Comment what u think or i will decide myself. Thx for 160 reads and 2 votes.
Xoxo stay gold💛

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