Chapter 17

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Claire's POV
I went to bed after I left the police station. I just slept in my bra and changed into sweatpants. Tomorrow morning I was going to dye my hair a dark red color. I immediately knocked out. It was 5:00 a.m anyway.

*4 hours later*

I woke up to the smell of Darry's pancakes and eggs. Ponyboy decided to still sleep next to me. I was so mad at him, but he looked adorable when he slept. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I walked out into the kitchen and the gang was there. They were all looking at me. "What?" I asked annoyed. I looked down and I was still in my bra. "Ok, big deal. It's just a bra. It's not like you haven't seen one before. Well, at least we ALL know that Dallas has." I said. Everybody cracked up. It was hilarious. I was still mad at him, though. Next think I know, Ponyboy walks in and sees me in my bra. He stares at me and holds me hand. He took me outside. "PONYBOY IM IN MY BRA AND YOU BROUGHT MW OUTSIDE?" I yelled. "Well, this is the only way to get you to listen to me." he said. "Fine, make it quick." I said. "Okay I wanted to take your side but I was scared. I was scared okay?" He said. "Scared of what Ponyboy?" I asked. "I was scared that if I didn't take Dally's side I would get into trouble." He confessed. "Ponyboy. It's your decision. He can't force you to take his side. He doesn't own you." I said. "But, do you forgive me?" He asked. "Ya, I forgive you. I just don't see why you're so scared of him." I said. He looked ashamed. I kissed him. And he obviously kissed me back. We walked back inside and I hit the shower. I was gonna go to dye my hair dark red now. As I dressed up, I thought about the gang. I felt bad for ignoring them. I walked out. "Bye guys. I'll see you later." I said. "Wait, where do you think you're going?" Dally asked. "I'm going to color my hair dark red." I said. "We need to talk." he said. "We have nothing to talk about." I said. "Yes we do. I can't believe you actually managed to get yourself arrested. Are you crazy. You're a little kid. And plus, you're lucky they let you off easy. And on top of that, you're on the New York most wanted list!" He yelled at me. "Well maybe that never would've happened if you never decided to leave. It's your fault I'm a fuck up. You can't just expect me to forgive you. I'm a messed up kid. And it's all your fault. I hate you and I never want to see you again, you jerk!" I screamed. "I'm leaving." I said. I walked by myself all the way to the salon. It took her a while to color my hair. When she finished, I payed her and left back home. I didn't know what to do. I was stuck and needed to talk to someone. And I know exactly who to talk to.

Hey guys. Hope y'all likes it. So, please comment who u think it is she's gonna talk to. P.s. It's someone in the story. First person to get it right gets an imagine or a fanfic written for them. Xoxo stay gold💛

Ok. I hope there is no confusion. The person she is going to talk to is someone in MY story. Just remember who it is. It's simple. *cough cough* chapter 6

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