The Winter Formal (chapter 7)

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*the pic up top is what Claire is wearing to the winter formal*

Ponyboys POV
Claire just went inside the shower. I already showered and I got my tux. I tried to buy the best one but its hard when you're just a greaser. But this one is nice. I'm wearing my dark purple bow tie because that's the color Claire is wearing. Her lipstick, dress, eye makeup, and shoes are all dark purple. I'm guessing she likes that color. "Ponyboy make sure you treat her well." Soda said. I turned around and the whole gang was there. "Ya, she's not a kid. She hates being called that anyway. Only as a joke. I remember she used to want to grow up because she thought she could get away from being poor, but she woke up and realized that life's not a fairy tale." Dally said. He had a point. I always try to get away from being a greaser. But, I guess that's not changing anytime soon. Soon enough Claire got out of the shower and went to wear her dress.

Claire's POV
I just got out of the shower and headed to the room to get dressed. I wore a bandeau because my dress was strapless. (A/N for those of u who don't know what a bandeau is, its a bra with no straps usually with a zipper.) I put my dress on, and the flats. I put some leave-in conditioner in my hair and curled it a little bit. I then put on the eye shadow and dark lipstick. I was all ready. I walked out and everybody's jaws dropped. I started blushing to the point where it looked like I had actually out blush on. I could feel the heat off my cheeks. "Claire you look amazing." Johnny said. "Aw shucks Johnny you're making me blush." I said. "You really do. Ya. Gorgeous." Everybody said. "Thanks guys. Probably the best I've looked in months." Soon, Ponyboy walked in and his eyes were glued to me. "Wow, Claire. you look stunning. I mean I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you." he said still staring at me. "Well Ponyboy you look very handsome. You guys are all handsome and different. I like different. Unique, special in your own kind of way different. You guys are the best. You all do so much for me. I've actually been really happy ever since I met you guys. I owe it all to you. I love you guys." I said. "Well Claire we were really happy when we met you. We love you too" Two Bit said. "Thanks guys. Hey, Ponyboy, should we go?"
"Ya, sounds like a plan." He responded.

*skips to winter formal*

When me and Ponyboy entered the gym, it looked like a winter wonderland inside. There were snowflakes hanging from the ceiling, fake snow on the stage, and a Christmas tree in the corner. We danced a little bit and talked and had something to eat. Then, the hard part. A slow song came on. I mean, it was kind of weird. I didn't know how to slow dance. Obviously Ponyboy did. I don't know how. "Claire, will you dance with me?"
"Ya sure I'd love to. But I don't know how to slow dance."
"That's no problem, Claire. Just move with me." He said and kissed my cheek in a slow and passionate way. He was teasing me. We went on the dance floor and I just swayed with his feet and it was really fun!! At the end, they voted a prince and princess and we left to go home.

*the next day*

I woke up at 7:30 again. What's new. I remembered the formal yesterday and smiled to myself. Nobody was home. Just me and Ponyboy. Darry was at work and so were Steve and Sodapop. Dally was probably at bucks place. Two Bit was babysitting his sister and Johnny was still asleep at the lot. It was Sunday. We were on winter break right now.
I went and grabbed a bowl of cereal and quickly ate it and sat on the couch. Ponyboy woke up at 8:00 and grabbed a bowl for himself and ate it. We sat on the couch talking about what to do over break. Then he just randomly kissed me. I of course kissed back but I didn't want to go too far. I was only 13. He was a year older than me. It was a 5 second kiss. I leaned into his shoulder and buried my face in the crook of his neck. Bad idea. He started kissing my neck slowly. I wanted him to stop but it was addicting. It felt so good but it was wrong. We shouldn't be doing this. It could lead to- well you know what happen after that- sex and I wasn't ready. I know he's a teenage boy and wants things. I couldn't help it. I started kissing his shoulder and he started moaning. I took his shirt off. "Claire, do you want to do it? I feel like you're not ready."
"Pony, im not ready but that doesn't mean we still can't kiss."
Right when I said that he pulled me on his lap. He was so built. He had a 6 pack. Damn. I put my arms around his neck and started making out with him. He put his hands on my butt and pulled me closer. He started kissing my neck again and then he started tickling me out of nowhere. I went crazy. I couldn't stop laughing. He finally stopped and I kissed him one last time. "Pony, you're amazing." I told him. "You're even more amazing Claire." I knew he was the guy for me.

Hey guys. It was a little lovey dovey but I hope you liked it. I didn't want to make it really inappropriate. But when the time comes it will get more intimate. Like what pony buys for her on Christmas 😉😉
Stay gold💛

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