First Period (chapter 14)

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Hey guys. So I decided to dedicate this chapter to periods. Yay. Not really. Anyway, most girls are upset about not having periods. Don't be upset. I'm 13 and even I haven't started. Trust me you have a lot of time. You have until 16. I used to worry and get scared that I wouldn't get it because most girls in my grade do. But I learned that people grow at different times. So don't worry. If anybody needs to talk, I'm here. I got you. So let's start the chapter.

*3 days later*

Claire's POV
I had stopped cutting. It felt good to stop. I still had the urge to do it but I kept my distance from my blade. I woke up kind of late today. It was 9:30. All the guys were up though. I wondered why I woke up late today.
Hm... That's weird. I always wake up early. I moved to sit up and I felt a wet pool in between my legs. Oh my god. I started my period. Shit. I'm surrounded by guys and they obviously don't have pads or tampons so now what? This is my first time and I don't know who I'm supposed to talk to. "Um, Darry. Could you please come in here really quick?" I asked Darry because he seemed the most mature. I know Ponyboy is too but he doesn't know what a period is so we're going to have to explain. "Ya, Claire whats up?" Darry asked. "Well, um, you see I'm kind of bleeding. Down there. This is my first period and I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do. I'm not ready. I have no pads or anything. What do I do?" I asked him worriedly.
"Well Claire, first of all congrats. This means you're mature. Second I can ask soda to go get you some. I mean he knows what it is so don't worry. Cmon lets go out." he said. "Oh YA and you might want a new bed spread and new blankets. Sorry about that." I said. "Nah, don't worry about that." he assured me. "Hey Claire. Good morning." Ponyboy said. "Ya, you too. Good morning." I said. "Listen, Soda I need you to run down to the store real quick and buy some new blankets and bed sheets please. And some pads for Claire." Darry said. Ok at this point I was blushing furiously. Really. Did he have to say it out loud. I was so red like a tomato. "Aw, Claire got her first period. Our little baby princess." Soda said. "DO NOT CALL ME THAT. EVER." I said. "Well, the mood swings seem to be kicking in." Steve said. "I'm so confused." Ponyboy said. "Alright Ponyboy. We need to have that talk. So basically, when two people like each other they do things. Remember the birds and bees. Like that. Except when two people want a baby the girl must have started her period. That's when a girl bleeds from down there. She has to have her period but she can't be on her period. They get it once a month for seven days." Darry explained. "Ok... I think I get it. It can't be that bad." Ponyboy said. "What did you say? It can't be that bad? Well let me tell you something. If you had a uterus and ovaries and an elephant was sitting on them, you wouldn't say that. Guys think they have it all hard. Well you don't. All you guys have to do is shave your faces and your body. Girls shave arms, under arms, legs, they shave down there, they get cramps, cravings, they give birth and it's hell. So don't ever say that. Again." I said. "Sorry." Ponyboy mumbled. "It's ok." I said really happily. "This is gonna be a long week." dally said. "I heard that." I yelled from the kitchen.

Hey guys. Sorry if it's not that good. And sorry if the picture is disturbing lol. If u need to talk, I'm here.
Xoxo stay gold💛

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