I Missed You Rose (chapter 18)

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*the pic of the girl is Rose Clermont, Claire's best friend*

Claire's POV
I went walking down the road to Roses house. She was my best friend and I needed someone to cheer me up. I knocked on her front door. She opened it and stared at me. "Yes, how can I help you?" She asked. I giggled. She didn't recognize me because of my new dark red hair. It was actually maroon. "Rose, it's me Claire. I colored my hair maroon so you didn't recognize me." I explains to her. "OH MY GOD! Claire I missed you. How's my best friend. You look absolutely stunning. Wow, you're beautiful." She compliments me all the time. "Thanks Rose. But look who's talking. You're naturally beautiful. People would kill to look like you." I said. "Thanks Claire! So what brings you over to my place." she says while walking to her room. "Well I was just hoping you could cheer me up. I don't know. Play some truth or dare?" I asked. "Ya sure. But what's the problem?" She asked. So then I explained to her everything starting from when I rejected Ponyboy because I thought he was gonna propose and up until the part when I yelled at Dally and called him a jerk. "You almost died?!!" She screamed. "Yes. Now can we play truth or dare?" I asked. "Fine." she said. "Ok Rose, truth or dare?" I asked. "Ummmm, truth?" She said. "Ok, is it true that you like Two Bit Matthews?" I asked. "Ya I do like him." She confessed. "EEEKKK" ok now I was acting like a total girl. "I can't believe you like him. I mean he's pretty adorable and funny." I said. But that was funny. "Ok, Claire truth or dare?" She asked. "Dare." I said. I always picked dare. Most of the time at least. "Hmmmm..." She was thinking for a long time. "Oh ok. I got it. I dare you to read the latest poem you've written." She said. Oh, well SHIT. The latest poem I've written is about dally and how I hate him.

*A/N. Ok the chapter isn't over. Have you guys heard of Shakespeare's really famous play, "The Taming of the Shrew"? Well, it's one of my favorite Shakespeare plays of all time. There is a movie called "10 Things I Hate About You." that's probably one of my other fav movies. (Other than The Outsiders of course. Lol) and basically the movie is another version of that play "Taming of the Shrew." That's what they based the movie on. In the end of the movie, the girl writes her own version of one of Shakespeare's poems. Her poem is called "10 things I hate about you", thus the name of the movie. So I'm going to write the poem. Let's just pretend that Claire wrote it. You guys should watch the movie. At the end of the chapter, I'll paste a summary for u guys if ur interested. Ok now on with the story*

"Ok, fine I'll read it." I said. "Ok but you have to go stand on the roof and do it." She said. "UGHHH." I groaned. I went on the roof and took my paper out of my bag. I opened it and started reading. *guys this poem is the one in that movie I just told u about*

10 things I hate about you poem
"I hate the way you talk to me,
and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car,
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots
and the way you read my mind.
I Hate you so much it makes me sick,
it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right,
I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh,
even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around,
and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate
not even close...
not even a little bit...
not even at all."

By this time, I was crying. It described Dally perfectly. I just wanted the old dally back. I heard someone walking downstairs and I looked down. The whole gang was there. Looking at me. They heard it. Everything. The poem.

Ok guys. End of this chapter. Hope u liked it. Hope u liked the poem. Again, I didn't write it. Ok. Now I'll copy and paste the movie summary for u. Remember the movie and the play are the same thing.

10 Things I Hate About You\ Taming of the Shrew

Cameron James (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), a new student at Padua High School, is given a tour of the school by Michael Eckman (David Krumholtz), an audiovisual geek. During the tour, Cameron notices the beautiful and popular Bianca Stratford (Larisa Oleynik), and he is immediately smitten with her. Michael warns Cameron that Bianca is shallow and conceited, and that her domineering father does not allow her to date. However, Michael does inform Cameron that Bianca is looking for a French tutor.

At the Stratford residence, Bianca's outcast older sister, Kat (Julia Stiles), is in conflict with their overbearing father (Larry Miller), who wants Kat to attend college nearby despite her acceptance to Sarah Lawrence College. Bianca is also fighting with their father regarding his strict no dating rule. Kat's aversion to dating prompts their father to come up with a new rule, to Bianca's fury: Bianca can only date if Kat is also in a relationship. Cameron starts tutoring Bianca (despite knowing little French himself). After Cameron makes an attempt to ask her out on a date, she informs him of her father's rule. This motivates Cameron, with help from Michael, to find a boy who is willing to date Kat.

Cameron suggests Patrick Verona (Heath Ledger), another outcast who is just as ill-tempered as Kat. Cameron tries asking Patrick for his assistance, but Patrick scares him off. Michael suggests that Joey Donner (Andrew Keegan), an affluent student and model who also wants to date Bianca, pay Patrick to take Kat out. Patrick agrees, but Kat wants nothing to do with him. After a little effort, Patrick gets Kat to attend a party with him.

At the party, Bianca sees Cameron but is dragged away by Joey. He poses and tries to please her when Bianca realizes he is just obsessed with himself. Kat starts table dancing after getting drunk and hits her head on the chandelier, collapsing off the table and into the arms of Patrick who takes her outside. They talk on the swingset; however after Kat throws up on his shoes, Patrick takes her home. She unsuccessfully attempts to kiss him after he drives her home, then slams the car door in his face and storms off. Cameron admits his feelings for Bianca, and they kiss in the front seat of his car. The next day, Patrick attempts at apologizing because he realises he is starting to like Kat but fails, but eventually wins Kat over with a performance of "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" in front of her entire soccer team. After sneaking Patrick out of detention, the two go paintballing and fall into a haystack, where he kisses her; however, when Patrick later asks Kat to prom, she becomes suspicious and the two fight.

Bianca tries to convince her father to let her attend the prom, but he refuses because Kat is not going to the prom. When Bianca confronts Kat, it is revealed that Kat previously dated Joey and they slept together once since "everyone was doing it." She tells Bianca that her feelings of isolation from her fellow students dated from that incident and that she would never again do anything just because it was the popular thing to do.

Bianca and Kat end up going to the prom with Cameron and Patrick, respectively. Joey is furious to learn that Bianca has gone to the prom with Cameron, and confronts Patrick about the "arrangement" in front of Kat. Kat is very angry at Patrick when she discovers the truth and leaves him at the prom. Joey subsequently confronts Cameron about manipulating the "deal" for himself and knocks him to the floor, but Bianca punches Joey numerous times for using her, for hurting Kat's feelings, and for punching Cameron. Bianca and Cameron share another kiss and leave Joey lying on the floor in pain.

The next morning, Kat and Bianca's relationship appears to have improved drastically as Bianca attempts to comfort her older sister. Their father allows Kat to go to Sarah Lawrence College, she is extremely grateful and hugs him with happiness. Later at school, Kat reads a poem which she wrote for English class, titled "Ten Things I Hate About You," revealing her true feelings for Patrick. After school, Kat finds a guitar in her car for the band she told Patrick that she wanted to start, that Patrick bought her with the money that Joey paid him. He admits the truth and says that Joey paid him to take out a "really great girl", but he messed up because he fell for her. Kat forgives Patrick and the two reconcile with a kiss.

*hope u guys watch it❤️💕💖💛*
Lmaoooo sorry it's so long.
Xoxo stay gold💛
And u guys plz comment. Least u could do. I stayed up till 12 writing this PLZ since I was busy.

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