Chapter 20❤️

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Before I start the chapter, I want to thank u all for 1.44k reads. It
means a lot. I love you guys.

Claire's POV
I was sitting at home. The guys were getting ready for a rumble and I was worried. Especially for Pony. After 2 hours, Dally finally managed to talk me out of going to the rumble. I had been in a couple before, but he wanted to "make sure I was okay". "Ponyboy, promise you'll be extra careful?" I asked him. "I promise, babe. Don't worry about me." he assured. I kissed him for a while, just for good luck. "I'll see you later, babe." he said. And they left. I got so bored so I started watching Mickey. Wow, Two Bit was really rubbing off on me. I waited and waited and waited for 3 hours. It was 11:00 at night now. 10 minutes later, 7 boys came stumbling in the house, each one groaning and doubling over in pain. I looked at each and every one of them. I was surprised at how Ponyboy was the least hurt. He only had a cut lip and his eye was kind of bruised. Soda looked the most beaten up though. "Oh my god are you guys alright?" I asked worriedly. "Ya. We are, but Soda ain't. And we won, by the way!" Steve said. "That's great guys!" I said. The gang went to fix themselves up a little. But, I went to help Soda. "Soda, come here." I said. He sat on the couch and I sat on him, facing him. I got an ice pack, some bandages, and alcohol with cotton balls. I came back with everything and sat back on him. I got the alcohol and cotton balls and cleaned his elbow since it was all cut. I taped it with a bandage. I cleaned him and fixed him up and he was all new again. Well, thanks Claire."He said. I kissed his cheek. "Thanks soda. And it was not a problem." I said. "You're the cutest nurse I've ever seen." he said. "Ya, she's just adorable, isn't she?" Asked Ponyboy and went out and slammed the door. I sighed. "I'll go talk to him." I said. I went outside and sat next to him. "What's wrong Ponyboy?" I asked. I already knew the answer. He was jealous. "You being all over Soda and kissing his cheek is what's wrong. You're my girlfriend Claire. Not Sodas girlfriend." He said. I knew he was jealous. He was blushing. "Are you jealous Ponyboy?" I asked giggling. "I am not jealous." he said. "Liar. You're blushing." I said laughing. "That's it." he took me by the hand and we went to the top of the hill to see the sunset. "You're my girlfriend, Claire. Not sodas. And now you're gonna get it." he said smirking. He started kissing me on the mountain. I kissed him back of course. He was my boyfriend after all and I loved him. I couldn't help it anymore. He was kissing and sucking my neck. I was moaning like crazy. "What do you want Claire?" He asked teasing me. "I want you." I said. "Say my name." he ordered. "Ponyboy." I said. "Say it louder. Yell my name." he said. "OH, PONYBOY!" I screamed. "That's better." he said. He lifted my shirt and took it off. We started making out and I lifted his shirt. We both took each other's clothes off. And well, you know what happens next. 😏 (aka sex).


Me and Ponyboy walked home, still kissing and linking hands. I was so in love with him. Then I realized something: me and Pony have never been on a real date. "Hey, Ponyboy. How come we've never been on a real date before?" I asked. "Hey, babe. I love you. And what we just did, made me love and want you even more. If you want a date, you got yourself a date. Tomorrow at 7:30. You, me and the movie house. Then we can grab some lunch." He said. "Sounds like a plan." I said. We walked home just talking and laughing. "Hey guys." I said as we walked home. "Hey doll." Steve said. I sat down and just thought. Thought about everything that happened over the past 7 months. I have an amazing boyfriend and the best friends. "Hey doll. Whatcha thinking about?" Dally asked. "Just about what happened these last few months. They changed me. And I'm glad I got to spend it with the best people ever. I love you guys. And I always will." I said. And I knew. I knew that coming here, was the best decision I ever made in my life.❤️

Hey guys. Writing this chapter really made me tear up and cry. You guys, I'm so thankful for everything. You guys were so sweet. I always looked forward to waking up and checking the comments you left on my chapters. I love you all. You guys are amazing in your own way. You're all beautiful, smart, and amazing and perfect. I'm still crying. I love y'all. 💛💙💜💚❤️
Xoxo stay gold💛

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