Will You Be My Girl? (Chapter 6)

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Ponyboys POV
"AWWWWW" we heard the whole gang say. Me and Claire just kissed. It was magical. It was my first kiss but I would never tell her that. "Hey ponyboy?" Claire asked. "Yea?" I answered. "Did you know that you were my first kiss?" Wow. I thought she would already have kissed tons of guys. "Really? I was? Well Claire, did you know that you were my first kiss,too?" I asked. "I didn't. I thought I wasn't good enough for you." she said. "You are. I'm not good enough for you. And Claire I've been meaning to ask you something. Will you be my girl?" I was scared. I know we just kissed but what if she wasn't ready for that kind of commitment. (A/N. Guys remember this line. It comes again later on in the story and it's important.) "Of course Ponyboy. I've been waiting for you to pop that question ever since I met you. I honestly really like you, a lot Ponyboy." she said. "Well Claire I like you a lot too. Im glad you agreed to be my girl. On that note, the winter formal is tomorrow. Would you like to be my date?" I asked. "Yes, of course. I'd love that." she answered. "Perfect." i said.

*Skips to Claire going shopping for the winter formal*

Claire's POV
Im gonna call my friend Rose to see if she wants to come shopping with me for the winter formal. She already has a date with this greased dude name Mike. He's alright. *dials number in phone. Phone starts ringing* "Hello, this is Rose Clermont speaking" she said. "Hey Rose. What's up? It's Claire." I said. "Oh hey Claire. How's my best friend doing?" She asked me. "In doing great. Listen, i was wondering if you're free right now. If you can pick me up from the Curtis house to go shopping with me for the winter formal tomorrow." I said. "OMG OMG OMG!!!! MY BEST FRIEND HAS A DATE TO THE DANCE. EEEEEKKK!" Wow well that hurt my ears. "Ok Rose calm down. I'm going with Ponyboy Curtis." I said. "PONYBOY CURTIS!! He's so adorable. And his brother sure is a doll." She said. "Ya I know. So just pick me up from their house and we will go." I told her. "Sounds great. See Ya in 5 minutes."

*5 minutes later*

(Doorbell rings) *ding dong*
"Hey Rose!" I have her a hug. "How are you Claire?" She asked. "I'm good and you?" I asked. "I'm fine."
"Well Rose, let's go."
"Wait Claire, you didn't introduce us to your friend, here." said Steve. "Ok guys. This is Rose Clermont. Rose thats Two Bit in the Mickey shirt. Soda in the DX shirt. Steve eating cake in the DX shirt also. That's Johnny with the jeans jacket. He's real sweet. That's Darry in the kitchen. That's Dallas Winston with the leather jacket and cigarette. And this is Ponyboy. My date. Now let's go."
"Well it was nice meeting y'all." She said. "You too." they all said.

*skip to the mall*

"Hey Rose what about this one." It was a dark purple strapless lace dress. It was beautiful. "Claire that's perfect. You can buy these flats also." she recommended. "Ya those are pretty. So we're all set. You have your dress and shoes and I have mine. Let's go pay."

*the next day*

I have to go get ready now. I'm gonna also wear a dark plum colored lipstick to match my outfit. I told Pony to wear his purple bow tie. I hopped in the shower and couldn't wait for this night.

Hey guys. Next chapter is gonna be posted up right now. Stay gold my lovely greasers.💛

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