Im so Sorry Claire (chapter 9)

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*the pic is what Claire wore to see the guys when they came back home*

Ponyboys POV
I saw Claire walk out. I saw Johnny go out and follow her. I went out and they were hugging. "Hey Johnnycakes, I missed ya." I heard Claire say. Well obviously she missed him and not me. "Hey Claire, can I talk to you alone real quick?" She was probably gonna say no anyway. "Ya sure. What do you want to talk about?" She asked. "Guys, I'm heading back inside." Johnny said. "Listen Ponyboy, we have nothing to talk about. You just wanted to tell me it's my fault. Well, you know what. I don't care anymore. Goodbye Ponyboy. I'll see you in court tomorrow. But until then, I really don't want to speak to you." She said. "Ok but, for what it's worth I'm sorry."

*the next day at court*

Claire's POV
Ponyboy thinks I'm gonna let him down at court today but I'm not. Its Ponyboys turn to speak and I'm next.
"Johnny Cade pleaded not guilty. He has a clean record. Let's keep it that way." The judge said. They Gang was happy. I smiled at Johnny. "Johnny this is great. Congratulations!" I said. We hugged each other and he kissed my cheek. I blushed like crazy. "Miss Claire Dylan, it has been said that you are Ponyboys girlfriend. Is this true?" The judge asked me. "Well actually, he was my boyfriend. Not anymore. We broke up." I explained to her. "Oh I see. Now what kind of a kid is Ponyboy. Has he ever hurt you or anyone at all?" She asked. "Actually, Ponyboy has never hurt me or a soul. Not that I know of. But I'm 100% sire he hasn't. But, he's not innocent. He's seen too much to be innocent. Growing up on the rough side of town. Geez, you think you know a guy till you find out they've done something wrong. But you can't press charges or send him to a boys home or prison. Trust me, I know what it's like. Please don't send him to any of those places. Please?" I asked. "Ponyboy, you are very lucky to have this girl in your life or I would've sent you to Juvie. Very well, I place Ponyboy Curtis under the house rules of his older brother Darrel Curtis and I press no charges on either." She said. "YES!! Aw, pony we are so happy you're staying. And Johnny you too. Never do that again." The gang said. I started waking out. "Wait Claire!" Ponyboy shouted. "Thank you so much for helping me. But, why did you lie?" Wow, ok that hurt. The whole gang came out. "Really Ponyboy. I lied? I just saved you're ass and you ask me why I lied. Unbelievable. Ok you know why I "lied" Ponyboy. I LIED TO PROTECT YOU. I CANT LET WHAT HAPPENED TO ME, HAPPEN TO YOU OK? Ya Ponyboy. I went to prison. Twice. In New York. And I didn't tell you dally. I didn't tell nobody. People always look at me like they feel sorry for me. Well, if rather have someone's hate then their pity. I can't take this." I was screaming by now. I took my blade out and threw it across the room and it got stuck on the wall. I went outside. And that's when everything went black.

Hey guys. Hope you liked it. Vote for me.
Stay gold💛

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