The Curtis House

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Claire's P.O.V
Wow, Ponyboy and I were talking all the way to his house. Like I said, he's in some of my classes and I have had the biggest crush on him. He can never know that though. He probably doesn't even like me and a guy like him probably has girls all over him. He knows how to treat a lady that's for sure. He's sweet, amazing, kind, handsome, he can run fast, and we share a lot in common. Dally snapped his fingers in front of me. "Claire...." said Dally. "Wait, what?" I said. "You were dreaming about something. Typical Claire. You always have something on your mind. What were you thinking about?"asked a curious Dally. "Oh, nothing.." I said. "Well let's all go inside. I'm starving." said Two Bit.
*After dinner*
Claire's P.O.V
"Wow, that was really good chicken. I haven't had food like that ever since my parents died. But anyway, I should get going." I said. "Oh, where are you staying now?" Asked Dallas. "Well, just here and there. Sometimes I sleep in the alley, in the lot, or at the drive in. Depends on where it's the warmest." I answered. "Well Claire, there is no way you are gonna sleep out there anymore. Johnny always stays at the lot. We tell him he can crash here whenever he'd like but he never listens. But, you have no choice. You are gonna live with us now." Said Darry. "No I'm not. I don't want to be a burden. You already have to pay bills, make food for your brothers and I wouldn't want to make you pay more because I'm staying here." I said. "C'mon Claire. It's no big deal. I promise. You can live with us. It's too dangerous out there with the Socs running around with their drunk asses all night." Darry said. "Well, I guess. But are you 100% sure?" I asked worried. "Absolutely." he answered. "Fine. So would you mind getting me a blanket when I sleep on the couch?" I implored. Everyone started laughing at me. "What's so funny?" I asked mad. "You are Claire. You are not sleeping on the couch. You are gonna sleep in Ponyboy's and Sodapop's bed. Soda will sleep in my bed and you will sleep next to Pony." Darry said still laughing. "Oh, well all of you better stop laughing or you will all wake up on the roof tomorrow morning." I said. Well that shut them up. Now I was laughing. I kind of blushed at the thought of sleeping next to Ponyboy.

Pony's P.O.V
I was so happy when Darry said Claire was sleeping next to me. I tried not to show it though. "Well guys im tired. In gonna go on and sleep. Claire do you wanna come too?" I asked. "Oh yea sure. Im really tired, too." I responded with a smile and a yawn. We headed on to my room. "Hey Ponyboy. Um, I can sleep on the floor if you'd like." she said. "No way Claire. This is like our bed now." We both blushed at that. "Well okay. That's fine, I guess." She said while hiding a smile and a blush. "Well goodnight Ponyboy" she said. "Goodnight Claire" I said. And we both drifted off to a deep sleep.

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