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"Ridhi, you have fought over eighty cases for women who have been sexually harassed since the past few years. You have not lost a single case how?" a reporter questioned as Ridhi tried dodging the reporters and getting out of the crowd.

"You have been a very successful lawyer in this field what is your next case?" another reporter questioned. 

"What do you have to say about the increasing rate of rapes around the country?" another reporter asked. 

"Shameful and disappointing." Ridhi said. 

"Is there any reasons you take up only cases of women who were sexually harassed?" another reporter asked. 

"You have an NGO Feel Good, what is it about?" another one asked. 

Ridhi managed to escape the crowd and reached her car and drove off, the media at some point of time made her go frenzy. 

In a hotel in Mumbai, 

"Mahi." Sakshi screamed. 

"One second." MSD replied. 

"Mahi come fast." Sakshi screamed again. 

"Kya hain?" MSD asked going towards Sakshi. 

"See Ridhi Verma, this name sounds familiar, its your previous team manager's daughter right?" Sakshi asked pointing towards the TV where a new channel displayed Ridhi getting out of the court. 

"Yes, her name is Ridhi, wait Ridhi Verma let me see." MSD said and saw the TV.

"This is her, she is  our Ridhi only." MSD said getting excited. 

"She looks so different now that I got confused." Sakshi said. 

"Its been like atleast 7 years we have met her last." MSD said.

"Yes, even more perhaps." Sakshi said. 

"Increase the volume of the TV, for the first time the news seems interesting to me." MSD said and Sakshi increased the volume and they saw the report. 

"So she is a lawyer now." Sakshi said. 

"Yes, I remember her telling that she is will study law but then after what happened to Arnav uncle I couldnt contact her." MSD said with a tinge of grief on his face. 

"What happened Arnav uncle and Reshma aunty was very unfortunate but it was in none of our hands Mahi, I saw you trying hard to contact their family especially Ridhi so you could make sure that they were okay but  you couldnt find any contacts." Sakshi said. 

"Ridhi was and is like a small sister to me, and she also considered me as a big brother figure but she didnt contact only later and I couldnt help her when she might have needed me the most." MSD said. 

"There might be a way to contact her now." Sakshi said. 

"How?" MSD asked. 

"In the news they mentioned Feel Good NGO." Sakshi said. 

"Yes, they said that its her NGO." MSD said. 

"So we can check if that NGO has a website and maybe it has her number and we can reach out to her." Sakshi said. 

"Yes, you are a genius Sakshi, meri biwi jo ho." MSD said and Sakshi laughed at this. 

"Now lets go for dinner, everyone must be waiting." Sakshi said. 

"Yes Ziva come beta." MSD said and they went down for dinner. 

"Cheeku Ro sunno." MSD said as they all were having dinner. 

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