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I am going to the hotel as Shreyas called me there only to for discussing the preparations for the new year party since even the venue is in the hotel. For some reason I am looking forward to it, thank god he didnt call me to the stadium first cause I dont want to go to the dressing room again after what happened yesterday and Hardik clicked that picture of me and Shreyas in that position yesterday. 

I reached his room and rang the bell and Hardik opened the door. 

"Come in Ridhi." he said. 

"Harry you are deleting that picture." I said before entering. 

"No Ridhi." he said. 

"Yes you are or else I am not entering." I said. 

"No, my phone my wish, I was thinking of putting it on the team group." Harry said, is this guy mad? 

"Are you mad? You are deleting it in front of me." I said trying to snatch his phone. 

"Okay Ridhi." he said and he deleted the photo in front of me and I finally entered the room. 

"Have a good time together and Ridhi I have and IPhone." Harry said. 

"So?" I asked. 

"I can recover the picture from the deleted folder." he said and winked and ran away. 

"What the hell?" I said and I went behind him to run but Shreyas caught me back. Wait he was not even in the room until now and he is shirtless but not in a towel he is in shorts thankfully. Whats with him and roaming around half naked. Can you stop flaunting your hotness Mr. Shreyas Iyer?

"Did T shirts go extinct from this planet?" I asked.

"What?" he asked.

"Or you dont have the money to buy them?" I asked pointing at his bare upper body. As much as toned and perfect and wanna keep looking at it is he needs to wear something on top. 

"Oh, you want me to wear something on top." he said picking up a t shirt. 

"I dont mind if you dont want to." I said trying to act cool with it. 

"Liking the view in front of you?" he asked, ya  right, thats him in front of me. 

"Which girl wouldnt mind having a hot guy in her view?" I asked repeating his dialogue from yesterday. 

"A lesbian." I said before he could answer so he finally wears his t shirt which he still didnt, he was just frowning.

"Can you finally just wear your t shirt?" I asked and he finally did wear it.

"Yeah and lets go to the venue." I said, I am not going to be stuck with him in the room. 

"As you wish." he said and we went up. 

I looked around properly in the roof top so we could decide what we could have and where. 

"We can have the stage there, a DJ as well." I said and then listed out the things we will need he agreed to all and noted it all down. 

"Who all are coming?" I asked.

"Only the team and the support staff and their families, and Ritika bhabhi and Anushka bhabhi are also coming dont tell this to Ro bhai and Virat bhai but." he said trying to keep his voice low. 

"Why?" I asked. 

"Actually Anushka bhabhi is in Europe and Virat bhai was sad that they wont be together for new year and he kept sulking around and yesterday only Anushka bhabhi decided that she will fly down for new year and she called Mahi bhai to get the hotel details and for Ritika bhabhi was in Mumbai only but she had said that she wont travel with them for this series cause she thinks that Sammie needs a break from all the travelling but since new year is coming she decided to join us for it and she also called Mahi bhai for the hotel details and all but looking at Ro bhai and Virat bhai's plight we convinced Mahi bhai to not tell anything to them so everyone but them know that they are coming." Shreyas said. 

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