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Karan was repeatedly calling Ridhi when he came to know that Vikrant kidnapped Kiara, but Ridhi was with an official to pay the loan so she kept ignoring Karan's call. 

"Pick it up, must be urgent." Shreyas whispered to Ridhi. 

"He must have picked Kiara up, nothing much." Ridhi whispered back. 

"Give me, I will talk to Karan, what if its something urgent? You pay the loan till then." Shreyas said and Ridhi gave the phone to him and he went out and picked the call up.

"Hello, Ridhi, Ridhi Kiara." Karan managed to saw only that much, he was scared about how Ridhi would react to it, he had checked the all placed around everywhere but his attempts to search for Kiara were futile, he knew that she was kidnapped by Vikrant. 

"I am Shreyas, but Kiara what?" Shreyas asked. 

"Kiara is kidnapped." Karan said. 

"What?" Shreyas gasped, he looked behind and saw Ridhi coming out after paying the loan. 

"What happened? Why are you looking like that?" Ridhi asked Shreyas and snatched the phone from his hand and kept it next to her ear. 

"I reached school, she didnt come out, I searched in the school, she wasnt, I then checked the security register and Vikrant took her, he kidnapped her, I cant find her anywhere." Karan said, he was himself so tensed and scared. 

"What?" Ridhi asked, it was like her whole world had shattered in one go 

"Ridhi?" Karan asked. 

"Where are you now?" Ridhi asked Karan.

"In the park behind her school, I am searching for her everywhere." Karan said. 

"I am coming there." Ridhi said. 

"No dont, come home, I will come there as well, we need to plan how to search for Kiara, if we just keep going around we will delay finding her" Karan said and Ridhi just agreed and cut the call.

"What happened?" Shreyas asked, to asked what they decided in the end, Ridhi was totally pale, she just asked him to come to the car and they had a very silent drive back home.

Karan had already reached back and he had also picked Alisha from college, so that Vikrant doesnt do anything to her as well. 

"DI." Alisha said, as soon as Ridhi entered the house and she went and hugged her, really tightly. 

"We will find Kiara" Alisha assured Ridhi, but she herself was very scared. 

"Karan, I need all the background information about Vikrant after that incident, and his spots in Banglore.  I will make a police complaint for Kiara without giving Vikrant's name so we get some lead." Ridhi said, she didnt cry, didnt breakdown, her world had crashed but she had to fight back and get Kiara back, if she just sat down, nothing would have happened. 

Ridhi went towards the corner after saying this and called the police to file the complain. Shreyas, Karan and Alisha were shocked with her reaction, they could see that she was holding herself back from showing any sort of reaction. Karan just sighed and did what he was asked to as Ridhi talked to the police, Shreyas in the meanwhile googled Vikrant. 

"Its Vikrant Kapoor right?" Shreyas asked and Alisha nodded. 

"Guys, he is Shanaya's brother." Shreyas revealed looking at the google page. 

"What?" Ridhi asked, she had just kept the call. 

"Ya see." Shreyas said showing his phone when her phone rang, it was an unknown number which Karan immediately noted down and then Ridhi picked it up and put it on speaker. 

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