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Shreyas and Ridhi created a lovely abode for themselves as Ridhi and Kiara moved to Mumbai to stay with Shreyas and Alisha chose to stay in Bangalore since she was doing her internships there and the house was still there.

It had been six months since their wedding and Shreyas had left for a series 2 weeks after that and he used to be at home when ever he got small breaks, however this was the first long break he was taking after they got married so he thought of surprising Ridhi and Kiara at home. 

Ridhi was coming back home after picking Kiara up from her extra class. When they entered home, they saw that all the lights were off but Ridhi assumed that Shrestha is still hasnt returned and Shreyas's parents went somewhere. 

When Ridhi went to turn on the lights she heard Shreyas scream and scare them so she immediately switched on the lights. 

"Shreyas, is this the way to scare?" Ridhi asked and looked at Kiara who seemed scared. 

"Sorry I didnt know that she would get scared, I was just trying to surprise you two." Shreyas said and Ridhi shook her head negatively at him, and Kiara went into her room. 

"What happened to her?" Shreyas asked. 

"I dont know, she should have been happy seeing you back, maybe because you tried scaring us, lets just check." Ridhi said and both of them went in to her room. 

"Kiara, see what all gift papa has got for you." Shreyas said and kept a few bags of gifts he got next to her. 

"I dont want gifts." Kiara said. 

"Sorry bachha, I wont scare you the next time." Shreya said. 

"What you did was not at all scary, dont you know that I like horror movies ?" Kiara asked him. 

"Now I know." Shreyas said but Kiara looked away again. 

"Kiara, talk to papa properly, what happened?" Ridhi asked her. 

"He is not my papa." Kiara said. 

"What?" Ridhi asked. 

"Yes he is not like other papas, he even broke his promises, he does come to drop me to school, he barely even is with us at all times, he didnt come for my sports day , he doesnt come to the park to play with me and he didnt even take me anywhere in the plane." Kiara complained and Shreyas looked at Ridhi, he had been quite busy after the wedding, Ridhi did understand that but Kiara was too small to understand that already, it was all new to her. 

"Kiara." Shreyas said, turning her towards him.

"What?" Kiara asked.. 

"Sorry bacha, I wasnt able to spend enough time with you, its my fault I accept it but dont say that I am not your papa. I love you bacha and I even took a month off so I can be with you and your mumma and in this month, I will drop you to school, play with you everything. And about taking you in the aero plane for a trip with me, I am just waiting for your vacations then you can come in a tour with me." Shreyas said. 

"You will not break all this promise?" Kiara asked him.

"No I wont Kiara" Shreyas said. 

"And you will watch movies with me, take me to the mall, eat junk food with me and all?" Kiara asked him and he nodded. 

"I love you papa but I dont like it when you are not around for soo long thats why I was angry on you." Kiara said and hugged him and he smiled and hugged her back. 

"Family hug without me?" Ridhi asked. 

"Its father daughter hug." Shreyas said and Ridhi frowned so then Shreyas put his other hand ahead to her and pukked her into the hug. 

IF WE ARE MEANT TO BE (COMPLETED)✔️Where stories live. Discover now