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"Do you have a valid suggestion for help?" Karan asked.

"Ya I do." Shreyas said. 

"Dont tell that you will donate for the loan because then Ridhi wont take so much money because then for her it will be like taking a loan from you because it is a huge amount. " Karan said. 

"But how else will she pay the loan ? And I am donating for the NGO I am not giving her the money." Shreyas said. 

"Still Shreyas, its a huge amount for the loan and Ridhi has her own set of rules for herself, she will take from you only what she can payback." Karan said. 

"How will she pay back the loans then?" Shreyas asked. 

"I dont really know, we are still confused and she is stressed out as well." Karan said. 

"Wait can I meet her?" Shreyas asked. 

"After seeing how she reacted you still want to meet her?" Karan asked doubtfully. 

"Shanaya got triggered because of my involvement with Ridhi, so I am at fault as well I had asked Ridhi for help, I can should return the favour back atleast." Shreyas said. 

"I dont know, if you want to go I dont mind just ignore her anger." Karan said and Shreyas went into her office again.

"What is it Karan now? Leave me alone let me figure something out." Ridhi said with her head in her laptop, she was going through all the bank statements. 

"Its me." Shreyas said and Ridhi looked up.

"Why are you here now?" Ridhi asked. 

"I can donate money to the NGO it will be of some help atleast." Shreyas offered. 

"Nahi chahiye tumhare paise please go Shreyas." Ridhi sighed. 

"Its a huge loan Ridhi and I am just helping you to save your NGO." Shreyas said. 

"I will handle it, I will see what I can do, I dont need your money atleast." Ridhi said. 

"Leave Shreyas." Ridhi said sternly and Shreyas sighed and left. 

"She kicked you out right?" Karan asked as Shreyas came out and he nodded. 

"How big is the loan?" Shreyas asked. 

"Its around more than a crore now after adding the interests it could go more, she had taken it to buy this land of the NGO and then for the building of it." Karan said. 

"How much can she arrange?" Shreyas asked. 

"Both of us can pool in then also we will be able to collect around 20 - 25 lakhs only, one crore is too much, Ridhi knows the exact details." Karan said. 

"Do you have a social media account for the NGO?" Shreyas asked. 

"No, we never needed it." Karan said.

"Lets make one, we can raise the awareness about what the NGO does and then ask for funds, I can call the team manager up for help, his PR team can help us establish the  whole PR campaign easily." Shreyas said. 

"Thats not a bad idea but Ridhi wouldnt want to listen to you again." Karan said. 

"Who wants to inform her, we will do this." Shreyas said.

"Ya even I will use my authority of beinf best friend or kuch bhi if she complains." Karan said. 

"So lets go we will start the preparations." Shreyas said.

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