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Its been three days that Ridhi has been in the hospital, she has not gotten a discharge yet, since she has not fully recovered. Kiara started going to school after a day since Ridhi didnt want anything to affect Kiara's studies and everything and she used to come directly to the hospital after that, and either Karan or Alisha used to always be there with Ridhi. Shreyas did come to meet her after his training but he never really got a chance to talk to her properly. 

Today Shreyas had finished training a little early and so he went to meet Ridhi directly. When he entered Ridhi was sleeping and no one else was there in the room so he silently entered. 

"Who is it?" Ridhi asked as soon as he entered. 

"Did I disturb you?" Shreyas asked. 

"Who sleeps at 6 in the evening?" Ridhi asked. 

"Some one who got shot by 2 bullets?" Shreyas asked. 

"No man she pretends to sleep at 6 in the evening." Ridhi said. 

"Why?" Shreyas asked going towards her bed.

"Cause she is bored, now help her sit up." Ridhi said and Shreyas held her hand and placed the pillow as a back support and helped her sit. 

"So why are you bored?" Shreyas asked. 

"Who wouldnt be bored in this boring room? And no one even lets me work on my laptop atleast." Ridhi complained. 

"You cant sit up on your own and you want to work, genius." Shreyas said sitting next to her bed. 

"Aloo told be that you donated the blood, thank you not only for that, but everything." Ridhi said.

"I saved a life, imeans god will give me more life so in the end its my benefit." Shreyas said giving a sarcastic reply to her. 

"Thank you ka reply sirf welcome hota hain, sarcasm nahi.' Ridhi said. 

"Ya ya welcome." Shreyas said. 

"I know you might have a lot of questions, about Vikrant, why he kidnapped Kiara, what shit he was speaking that night and all that, I never told anyone about my past after I shifted to Bangalore, I just didnt trust anyone with it nor did anyone reach that place in my life. But I really feel after all you have done for me, you deserve to know the truth." Ridhi said. 

"Tell it only if I reached that place in your life" Shreyas said air quoting 'that'. After hearing to Karan's side of it he knew that Ridhi's would be just as painful or even more, he didnt want her to got through that pain by remembering it again.

"I think I feel like telling it to you because you maybe have reached that place." Ridhi said. 

"Just dont tell this to anyone, especially Kiara, promise me." Ridhi said. 

"I wont, promise" Shreyas said. 

"My life was a mess after my parents passed away, I was 20 back then and Aloo was 13, I was a wild kid before that plane crash where my parents died, I used to be a free spirit, an open book, cricket was my life and studies was something I was never bothered about, the only reason I joined college is because my mom was not letting me leave studies for cricket, she said do both or leave cricket, I choose doing both." Ridhi said. 

"I realized why studying was essential only when they left me, I was an adult but there were issues with Alisha's custody since she was under 18, some relatives wanted it for property, Karan and Kiara's parents helped me then. Kiara, Karan and I were best friends since childhood, we were a gang, Kiara was the smartest of us and the sane one who tried keeping me sane as well. We had joined the same college and thats where we met Vikrant, he was a playboy and rich kid and we used to always end up in a tussle with him. After my parents death I was always clam, I didnt talk to many people, I was someone different, Kiara and Karan supported me and got me back to normal. " Ridhi continued . 

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