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It had been a week since Ridhi was back in the house, she was feeling much better than before now and Kiara who had been ordering her around had finally let her go to the NGO in the mornings on the condition that Ridhi will be home when she is. 

Shreyas had left for England for the T20 series two days after Ridhi told him the truth, though he didnt react much about it in front of Ridhi and he just hugged her, from inside he was still shocked, he couldnt imagine how Ridhi might have been so broken back then, the pain she might have felt, her struggles in raising Kiara. Shreyas used to hear such stories of rape cases in news and he used to feel bad and then forget it, but listening the past of someone he was falling for so hard, made him shudder, he didnt think anything bad for her, but his respect for her increased because she didnt give up back then. He hadnt told this to even Virat or MSD because Ridhi made him promise that he wont tell anyone, he did try convincing her to talk to atleast MSD but she was just scared of revealing her story, he told her that they will only support her but she refused for now because she thought that by telling more people, she would increse the risk of Kiara knowing the truth, which she didnt want. 

"Shreyas, kaha khoya hain?" Rahul asked, sitting next to him. 

"No where?" Shreyas said but it sounded more like a question. 

"Then why are you not responding? We are calling you to play FIFA since so long." Hardik said. 

"I was thinking about tomorrow's match." Shreyas said. 

"Since when did you start thinking?" Jassi asked. 

"Woooooo Jassi being savage." Hardik howled. 

"Can stop the noise pollution Harry?" Shreyas asked when his phone rang and Rahul snatched it. 

"Ridhi?" Rahul said. 

"Ridhi? meri behen Ridhi?" Virat who was furiously playing the game asked. 

"No meri behen Ridhi." Rohit said taking the phone from Rahul. 

"Can I have my phone back?" Shreyas asked and went towards Rohit. 

Rohit passed the phone to Hardik, who threw the phone towards Virat, who was almost going to drop the phone since he was totally focused on the game, he then passed it to MSD who just threw it back to Rohit. Shreyas was tired running around but before he could get the phone Rohit picked it up and Hardik put it on speaker. 

"Itna time kaun lagata hain phone uthane mein? So toh nahi rahe hoge abhi so why did you take so much time?" Ridhi asked and now everyone were interested in the conversation, FIFA was left halfway and Virat pulled Shreyas towards the phone and signaled him and then forced him to answer like the phone was not on speaker and no catch catch was played with his phone. 

"No hi no hello?" Shreyas asked. 

"Hello Mr. Shreyas Iyer, happy? Now tell me what took you so long?" Ridhi asked. 

"I was in the shower." Shreyas said looking at Virat's glares that said that dont tell its on speaker. 

"Shower? Now? Seriously? Like its 11 or something there, and you were having a shower? What a horrible excuse Shreyas." Ridhi said. 

"Arre leave all that, and tell me why did you call?" Shreyas asked. 

"You were only telling before leaving, call me anytime you want, anytime you need anything and what not." Ridhi said and he saw Virat furrow his brows at him. 

"Ya ya why did you call now then?" Shreyas asked. 

"Cause you didnt call yet." Ridhi said and Shreyas saw everyone's eyes widen at him. 

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