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The next day, Shanaya fumed into the office of the security. 

"Madam koi problem?" the building security asked .

"Give me your entry registers and move let me see the CCTV camera recording." Shanaya ordered. 

"Par madam allowed nahi hain." the security said. 

"You will say no to me? Rajveer Kapoor's daughter?" Shanaya screamed.

"Yeh lo madam." the security immediately said giving the register and stood up from his chair which was in front of the Computers that showed the recordings. 

Shanaya had instructed a the security to get  a sign from all the visitors always and especially Shreyas, she saw his entry at 6 as well, but he didnt come to meet her at that time. She went and sat on the chair and navigated through the CCTV camera recordings, she stopped at 6 pm of last evening she saw Shreyas entering the building and then she went to her floor's recording and saw him entering and then leaving Ridhi's house. As soon as she saw this she skipped to the recording of night and saw that he entered the building before she did and in he had spare keys from which he entered her house and then went to Ridhi's house, even we he opened her house door he came out of Ridhi's house and then went back there as well and he came out only after sometime. 

"Ridhi." she screamed in annoyance and she dashed out of the security room. 

Ridhi was in her office in her NGO, studying a case, when a lady staying and working at the NGO entered the office. 

"Ridhi " that lady called. 

"Haan Neena didi, tell me." Ridhi said looking up. 

"Ridhi some notice has come." Neena said and handed over the letter to Ridhi. 

"Thank you Neena didi, I will check it in some time." Ridhi said and that lady left. 

After some time Shanaya barged into the office. 

"I am buying your Kiara foundation." Shanaya said as soon as she entered and Ridhi looked up. 

"What? Are you drunk in the morning?" Ridhi asked. 

"I am very well in my senses and I know that Shreyas left me because of you." Shanaya said. 

"What the hell?" Ridhi said and got up. 

"He had an affair with you only right?" Shanaya asked. 

"You were cheating him on the back and not him and what the hell makes you think we had an affair? Are you out of your mind?" Ridhi asked furiously. 

"I know you helped him know about my one night stands and affairs because you wanted him, you b*tch." Shanaya said and Ridhi went in front of her. 

"You are clearly drunk, get out of my office now." Ridhi said. 

"I will buy your stupid NGO." Shanaya said. 

"You want to be deeply humiliated I guess." Ridhi said.

"I will buy it and gift it to my brother so he can demolish your stupid NGO and build a mall here" Shanaya said. 

"Stop day dreaming, I own this NGO and I am not selling it to any Shanaya Kapoor." Ridhi said. 

"Oh really did you read the notice?" Shanaya asked with a smirk. 

"What notice?" Ridhi asked and remembered the notice Neena handed over to her and she went to get it.

She opened the notice and it was from the bank, it stated that if she doesnt repay the loans she took for the Kiara foundation in the next 5 days then her NGO will be sold off. 

IF WE ARE MEANT TO BE (COMPLETED)✔️Where stories live. Discover now