Chapter 18: Lost and Found

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Anna fumbled with Bucky's tie as he softly chuckled at her attempt to tie it properly.

"Would you stop laughing I'm doing this for you." She snapped making Bucky give her a soft smile, "Sorry doll you're just really cute when you're frustrated."

Anna rolled her eyes before giving up and throwing down the tie and falling back on the bed, "I give up." She sighed.

Bucky undid his top button, "I never liked wearing ties anyways." He replied crinkling his nose, Anna laughed and moved back towards him smoothing down his shirt, "These dinners are really important to Tony and Steve and I just want everything to go well." Bucky pecked her lips, "It will and if it doesn't we'll handle it."

She smiled, "Since when were you so optimistic?" 

"Since I found you"


They walked down the corridor nearing the common room hand in hand, "So whose going to be here?" Bucky asked.

"All of the Avengers except Clint whose with his family and Thor who is in Asgard," Anna replied and Bucky nodded.

"Are you scared?" She asked as they rounded the corner to see the other Avengers. Natasha smiled at them.

Bucky moved his head to the side slightly, "A little," and squeezed her hand running his calloused thumb over Anna's where Bucky's seat was

"You'll be fine, we'll be fine," Anna muttered.

"Are you reassuring me or yourself doll?" Bucky joked and Anna gave him a knowing smile before taking her place at the table and then realizing the seat next to her was already taken which was unusual because she told Tony Bucky was supposed to sit next to her.

She looked to the empty chair where the place card 'Bucky' read farthest from Anna's place. She sighed and motioned for Bucky to sit while she got them drinks.

Tony was at the bar as Anna made her and Bucky each a Shirly Temple, "I told you to put him next to me Tony."

Tony clenched his jaw looking over at the super soldier who was sitting awkwardly waiting for Anna to come back.

"I just put him at the empty space and besides I think you should have some space from him it will be good for you both," Tony replied taking a sip of his drink. Anna ignored his comment and gave Bucky his drink before sitting down at her seat as the others followed slipping James two of the pills he was supposed to take to help with his anxiety.

The other Avengers conversed as Anna watched intently as Bucky took the pills and secretly showed her his mouth was empty not drawing too much attention to himself.

She smiled telling him he was all good as the plates stacked with food were set down.

The Avengers began to make conversation while eating dinner. A couple tried to engage with Bucky but he mainly kept to himself.

 Anna soon noticed he wasn't eating just staring at his plate. She caught his eye and mouthed to him 'What's wrong?'

'Nothing' He replied giving her a small smile but Anna didn't buy it, 'Eat' She motioned to his plate. James sighed slightly and shook his head, 'Don't trust it.'

Anna bit her lip thinking of what to do before her thoughts were interrupted, "Something wrong with the food Skywalker?" Bucky looked up confused now noticing that Tony was talking to him.

"No, I'm-I'm just not that hungry," Bucky replied politely looking back at his plate. Tony clenched his jaw, "Bull" He replied.

Anna started to say something but Tony stopped her, "I think Mauchrian candidate can fight his own battles don't you think doll?"

Anna glared at Tony she knew something was off the minute she read the place cards.

Bucky's breathing deepend, "Don't talk to her like that."

Tony stood up his eyes blazing, "Your one to talk Master Assasin especially after you tried to impregnate her for your 'mission'." The table went silent.

Bucky's gaze turned stone like and cold, it scared Anna, "Tony stop" She warned but he ignored her, "You know before she was your babydoll or whatever weird nickname you call her she was our Anna and don't think for a minute you deserve her because you don't."

Bucky pushed his chair out and stood, "I should go." He said monotoned. Anna tried to stand but Natasha kept planted her hand on top of Ana's keeping it pinned to the chair, "James." She whispered her voice cracking.

"I'm okay Anna I promise." Bucky then turned to Tony, "I know I'll never be good enough for her. And I know she doesn't deserve me but Anna saved me and I will forever care about her even if that means pushing myself away so she's happy and safe."

He then turned and walked out of the room. Anna felt a tear rolling down her cheek all of the anger built up from Tony was gone leaving a love for a man she knew could kill her with his bare hands.

The room became silent until Tony spoke once again, "Do you love him?"

"Tony-" Steve started but Anna nodded, "I do."

Tony's jaw clenched, "Even after everything he's done?"

"Even after everything The Winter Soldier did. I still love him I truly do." Anna replied her heart soft and voice calm.

"I can't protect you, Anna. Not with him" Tony continued.

"Then trust me when I say that James Buchanon Barnes would never hurt me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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