Chapter 17: Beautiful Scars

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"You're going to the gym later with Steve?" 

"Yeah, he wants to show me around," Bucky answered changing into a new t-shirt.

"Have fun and I'm in my office if you need anything, 40th floor," Anna replied running a hand through her hair and flipping it to one side.

Bucky nodded, "I know." And drew her to him enwrapping her in a hug his chin resting on the top of her head.

Anna sighed and closed her eyes. It had been a long night of talking and she only got about three or four hours of sleep.

She smiled when she saw the outline of his dog tags inside of his shirt on top of his toned chest tracing the shirt covered silver plates with her index finger.

Their beautiful silence was interrupted by a knock on the door, "Buck?" Steve called from the outside.

"You have to leave," Anna whispered into his chest. Bucky took a deep breath before pulling away, "I know." 

Bucky went to pick up his bag and opened the door to see Steve waiting outside, "Don't tire him out too much Stevie we were talking all night."

Steve smiled, "We'll be fine."

Anna gave a small wave to the boys as they left before plopping down on the couch and opening her laptop to record everything that happened last night.

She sat there for an hour before a thought popped into her brain; Wanda. Pietro had been really worried about her and Anna promised to check up on the girl.

"Hey FRIDAY can you tell Wanda I booked her in for an appointment at noon." She asked the AI.

"Yes Ms. Camron, Ms. Maximoff has been notified."

There was a silence before the AI came on again, "Ms. Maximoff responds that she does not wish to have an appointment and is feeling fine."

Anna gave a heavy sigh, "Tell her she doesn't have a choice and I will be seeing her at 12 or else I will notify Steve and Tony of the cancellation."

"I will notify her right away Ms. Camron."

Anna nodded determinedly, "Good."


Bucky and Steve walked around the gym. Steve showing Bucky all of the different equipment and how to use them.

Bucky nodded silently to everything and tried to engage in the conversations Steve tried to start. 

They had moved on to the weighted contraption none of which Bucky cold really understand and to be honest, Steve didn't really either. Bucky laughed and ran a nervous hand through his long hair which he decided to let loose that morning.

"I have to be honest I prefer just a regular punching bag."

Steve chuckled, "So do I, but I go through them too quickly makes Tony mad."

They neared the punching bags and Bucky smiled seeing something he could finally recognize and know how to use without instruction.

"You come down here often?" Bucky asked. Steve nodded, "It's good when I can't sleep or I just need to let some anger out you know?"

"So Anna gave you your dog tags back?" Steve asked as they continued the tour.

"Yeah, last night I still can't believe you found them," Bucky replied.

"You should have seen her face when we went through all of your stuff. It was like a fire was lit in her again." Steve continued remembering the day, "She fell sort of into a hole after you escaped thinking she failed the mission. That she failed you, and when we found you in Romania it took all of the power in me not to let her come with us."

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