Chapter 14: Words of Freedom

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"It was the night before I left for the army. Steve was there but he was smaller and he got mad at me because I tried to set him up with this girl Carol I think." He smiled at the memory.

It had been a little over three months since Bucky had come to headquarters and he seemed to be recovering better. Hopefully, soon they would let him out of the ward.

"Do you remember where you went," Anna replied trying to push him a little.

"Not really but I think there was a flying car." He laughed. Anna laughed too.

"Really? A flying car?" She asked.

"It was the 40's everything was about new inventions and technology and shit. They liked to show them off at carnivals and festivals. I loved it." 

"Sounds fun." Anna continued taking notes on her laptop sitting cross-legged on the ground across from him.

She noticed he was staring at her.

"What?" She asked. He blinked a couple of time before replying, 

"Your beautiful Anna."

She blushed, "Thanks James your not bad yourself."

"Well, you know isolation does a lot for the skin." He shot back sarcastically.

"Your practically glowing." She added. They both laughed.

Anna felt something for him, unlike anything she had felt before with any of her patients. Yes, she loved the Avengers they were her family, but with Bucky, it was a different love.

"Have you thought about the words lately?" She asked hopefully trying to maintain his good mood but his face instantly fell. 


"You know the council been pressuring me to start with them. Do you want to maybe try it?" 

"I know what they want. They want to see that you can control me so they can make me into their weapon." He stated coldly.

"Bucky you know that's not going to happen. You are no-ones weapon anymore. We just need to be prepared in case-" She started

"In case what? Hydra gets me again? They need to know how to turn me off?" He stood up and then scoffed shaking his head.


"No Anna those words, they unleash something in me I can't do it again I can't go back." He shouted. The guards turned to look at him from the loud noise. He immediately clenched his jaw and sat down on the bed. Anna nodded to the guards that it was okay and they turned back around. She sat in front of him on her knees in front of the bed and interlocked her hands with his.

"Let's try it. Just once and it will help to get you out sooner or else your not making any progress."

He didn't look at her but she knew she had to try. She went over to her bag to pull out her own notebook with the Russian pronunciation inside for the words. Including the word to "turn him off" so to speak. 

He put his head in his hands pulling at his hair.

She started speaking the words, 


He looked down just shaking his head. Anna took another deep breath.


"No, no please Anna don't do this." He pleaded.


He screamed banging his fist against the bed.

She continued as if each word ripped out a part of his soul only leaving Winter behind. She finished and looked up to see The Winter Soldier staring back at her.

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