Chapter 11: Drowning

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Anna grimaced at the word "cage". He knew how much she hated the ward. He knew using that would make her come out. 

"I'll be back soon. Try and get some sleep." Anna could tell he hadn't slept since he got here. Probably since he was in that medical coma at WSC. The average person can go five days without sleep before passing out. He was on his fourth day. 

He nodded and she left the "cage". To go and face Fury. Hse walked into his office to see him waiting for her.

"You disobeyed your orders agent." He said blankly as she meant nothing to him.

"He was going to kill Agent Stern I had to." Anna said returning the blank expression.

"Your lucky I don't fire your ass on the spot. I know how much you mean to them." He continued referencing to the Avengers. He looked out the window of his office to see Pietro and Wanda playing outside, him running around her while she tried to blast him with her energy. They did this often.

"Sir he said he will see no one but me."

"Then he will see no-one at all until he complies. I don't care how many god-damn agents he tries to kill,  you are not going to back in there."

"You should have thought of that before you sent me on that mission." She said angrily. 

Nick stood up and walked over to her. 

"You were the only one qualified Camron you know that and I know that. You were the only one I trusted. And what happened he got soft and you almost died!" He yelled.

Tears sprang to her eyes.

"You have feelings for him." He said realizing the effect of his words.

"Maybe I do we shared a lot in those months, Nick. I made him human again." 

Nick looked away shaking his head. He was about to say something before another agent rushed in.

"What is it Morrison I'm in a meeting." He yelled at the agent.

"I'm here for her its the soldier he's- well we don't really know what going on Jong thinks its a nightmare but it seems a lot worse." The agent said worriedly.

"Mother-" Nick started to mumble before Steve rushed in.

"What's going on? Wheres Bucky?" Steve asked running in. The super soldier seemed scared.

"You didn't tell him?!" Anna yelled.

"Barnes has been transported to the Ward," Nick replied cooly.

"Where?!" Steve asked still flustered.

"And now it seems he's having a little nightmare." Nick continued.

"Oh, I can assure you sir it's not-" Agent Morrison started but was quickly interrupted by all three of them glaring at him.

"Come on Anna, we have to help him," Steve said.

"No she's not-" Nick started.

"Fury" Steve said harshly.

"Go but if anything happens to her I'm blaming you, Rogers." Fury sighed pointing a finger at Steve.

Anna smiled as they ran out of the office pausing before the building before Anna remembered the protocol. 

"Steve you can't go any further." She said stopping at the doors.

"What?" He asked concerned.

"It's not-" She paused seeing his heartbreak, "It's not visiting hours"

"Oh" He replied sadly.

"I'm sorry" She continued, "I'll come to find you right after and we'll talk ok."

"Ok, Anna just make sure he's ok please." He said before jogging back to the tower.


His head was underwater. He tried fighting it but a firm hand was placed on his head forcing him down. He tried screaming for help but no-one cared. They liked to watch. They liked to watch him suffer. His head was pulled out by his long matted hair.

"Ready to Comply Soldat?" The shout in Russian ran through his ears echoing in his brain.

"Never." He spat back in the language they taught him so mercilessly.

They pushed him under again water filling his nostrils.

"Longing" They started chanting

"NO!" Bucky screamed bubbles exiting from his mouth as he tried to grasp for air

"Rusted" They continued

"STOP!" He tried reaching his ears but his hands were tied behind him



Anna could hear his screams as they approached the guarded cell. He lay on the cot flailing around kicking and everything within his reach.

"LEAVE ME ALONE" He screamed

Her heart broke for him

"When did this start?" She asked the head of the guards. Trying to stay professional not letting her emotions towards Bucky take over.

"About fifteen minutes ago he only started screaming like this recently. Before he was just yelling and moaning and well," He pointed to the flailing, "That. We tried to wake him up but he's hard to get under control." He moved his gaze to the Agents lying in the corner against the wall rubbing their necks. 

"He did that in his sleep?" She asked

"Seems so."

Their conversation was interrupted by another piercing scream and them some whimpering before the screaming started again. 

"See how he's gasping like that thinks he's underwater or something. Be careful Anna." He warned.

Anna made her way over to the cot where the sleeping soldier was screaming.

"James?" She asked starting calmly. The screaming continued.

"James!" She said more sternly but that tactic didn't seem to be working. She grabbed his hand interlocking her fingers with his as she did at Hydra when he was upset. He tried fighting her off but she held on tightly.

"James it's me Anna wake up!" She tried talking loudly putting a hand on his face. His screaming stopped suddenly followed by whimpering and heavy breathing. His and relaxed in hers. And it seemed the room had released its breath. 

He then shot up his eyes blazing his forehead stained with sweat. He looked to her realizing it was her hand over his.

"What .. What.. what happened." He said his eyes wide looking over the room and then to the agents lining the floor grasping their necks.

"No no no no no I- I didn't mean it." He said squeezing her hand.

"You may leave." Anna said sternly to the guards and agents who left in a hurry.

He pulled his knees up to his chest and put his hands over his face letting go of her hand.

"James I need you to calm down it's okay it's over." She said trying to calm him. She sat next to him on the bed.

He looked at her with his deep sunken blue eyes.

"Its never over." He whispered.

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