Chapter 16: A Gift From The Past

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"Well I'm heading to bed I see you too in the morning for breakfast." Natasha smiled and made her way out of the kitchen leaving Anna and Bucky alone again.

They sat in silence for a while Bucky timidly eating his cereal and Anna eating hers normally

"I don't think Clint likes me," Bucky said wiping some milk off of his scruff.

Anna furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him as he stared into the cereal bowl stirring his spoon around.

"He's just protective of me and he's not the warmest person when it comes to new people. He'll get better."

 "Do you ever think they'll really accept me?"

Anna put her spoon down and looked over at the seemingly frightened soldier, "If they see you the way I do and the way Steve does then they'll have to accept you."

"Steve sees me as a burden." He muttered.

Anna put her therapist's mind back on, "Why do you say that?"

He shrugged, "Just think of all the trouble he went through just to get me here and the way he talks to me its as if he's scared I'll break or something."

"James, don't you think Steve felt the same way when you had to care for him back in the '40s?"

"I guess so."

"As for the way Steve talks to you we can't really change that he's just scared he's going to lose you. It's almost the same thing with Clint and Fury sometimes I think they still see me as a shivering 18-year-old lost on the streets of New York" Anna continued, "I can talk to Steve if you want but his intentions are good I promise."

"No, don't talk to him I don't want to hurt his feelings," Bucky replied sitting back in the chair, "You really are such an amazing person Anna I can see why they want to protect you," He paused, "From me."

She grabbed his chin forcing him to look at her, "Bucky I don't want any protection from you. I want all of you even the parts that scare you the most. Don't ever doubt for a second that you could even remotely drive me away because I am drawn to you James Buchanon Barnes and nothing can stop that " Bucky smiled slightly and kissed her lips feeling her smile into the kiss.

Anna whispered, "Let's go to bed it's getting late." He pulled away from her lips and they headed back to her room. 

Closing the door behind them Anna went back to the pile of clothes on the coffee table for Bucky.

"What do you think? Tanktop and sweatpants again?" She felt two arms wrap around her torso and Bucky chuckled softly into her neck, "Seems like the only things I wear these days doll, I really need more variety."

Anna laughed and turned to face him, "Someones demanding, you just got out and now you want new clothes? Bucky I'm ashamed of you." She playfully shoved the clothes into his chest and walked to her bedroom to change as well.

She came back out in a concert tee and pyjama short, "Come on I got the bed ready for you." She mentioned him to come to her by holding out her hand. Bucky looked at her confused, "Where are you going to sleep?"

"On the couch." She replied tossing her pillow and blanket onto it.

Bucky raised an eyebrow, "You really shouldn't do that I don't sleep anyways."

"Bucky when was the last time you slept in a real bed?" Anna crossed her arms.

Bucky stayed silent shifting slightly, "I don't know doll"

"Exactly so maybe if you sleep in a real bed where you can actually stretch out and get comfortable you will sleep."

"Anna that doesn't make a difference."

"Who's the doctor here?" She asked, "Come on Bucky" She took his warm flesh hand and started to lead him towards her bedroom, "I know you can't wait you get under the covers." She smiled and opened her bedroom door.


Bucky sat against the headboard staring at the painting across the bed. He didn't want to sleep, he couldn't and risk hurting her. He looked at the clock and sighed as it read 4:25 am. Bucky sighed and got up starting to look around the room. His eyes landing on a small box that had James written across it in her handwriting. He looked around before picking up the small box in his large hand and pulling the ribbon away with his metal one. His eyes softened slightly when he saw what was inside. It was his dog tags from the war.

He gingerly picked up the balled metal chain as the necklace unravelled under his fingers. Readin Barnes, James B, as well as a series of numbers.

He felt his eyes prick at the sight feeling memories wash past him.

"You found them," A light voice said behind him still laced with sleep.

Bucky turned around wide-eyed the chains still resting in his palm, "Where did you?.....How did you?" He started but couldn't finish Anna nodded and came towards him.

"When you were in Romania, Steve and I continued our mission to find out and we hijacked the HYDRA compound where we met hoping to find something to give us a lead to you. When we were there we came across a room filled to the brim with your things. Most of them being guns and knives," Bucky breathing picked up slightly, "but as we were leaving we found a box containing items from your past life including these they found it in your shoe when you fell off of the train." She closed his hand around the dog tags and kissed his knuckles.

"I remember the war." He said softly a tear rolling down his face. Anna put her thumb to his cheek to wipe it away, "So many people Anna." He said softly. She nodded and pulled him to her rubbing his hair, "I know baby I know." He took a deep breath and pulled away tucking her head beneath his chin, "I like it when you call me pet names doll." 

Anna smiled and looked up at him, "I like your pet names too, Sarge." He smiled and pulled her against his chest again kissing her head, "Thank you so much, Anna. I don't know what I would do without you."

"I don't know what I would do without you either." She muffled into his chest.

He pulled away from his arms on her shoulders, "You mean that?" Anna nodded taking the dog tags out of his hand and draping it around his neck before pulling his forehead to hers, "Every word."



sorry haven't updated in so long but this chapter super fluffy. Hoep you enjoyed please comment and vote!

Love you all!!

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