Chapter 15: Old and New friends

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Loving Bucky wasn't something Anna could explain. Just like how you can't explain why we have dreams or how some people can predict the future. Her love for James started the day she saw him sitting in that chair. Eyes cold, gaze frozen, mind blank.  


"Ms. Alianova before meeting The Asset we must warn you he can be.... temperamental at times but all of the other handlers have been men so it may be different towards you."

Anna nodded as they walked down the halls of the base repeating the same words in her head; 'Proceed with caution, Analyze, Decipricate treatment.'  She had been a SHIELD agent since Fury found her but it had been her first mission in a very long time. She had discovered that she prefferd healing more than hurting and soon found her place as a healer among the Avengers

The heavy metal door opened to reveal a room, a chair, a machine, and a soldier. All the things she would soon know too well. 


The man looked up at them with piercing mindless eyes. 

"Mission report." The Hydra agent commanded.

"Three men, one woman, two children. One grenade, 3 bullets. Mission completed at 13 hundred hours."  Bucky repeated blankly looking at the wall.

"Your late."  The agent continued.

"Malfunction at the exit." He answered now looking at the Agent and then at her. They locked eyes for a brief second before the agent spoke, "This is Ms. Alianova your new handler."

He continued to stare at her, "Don't kill her" The agent warned as if he was scolding a small child. Bucky sat back into the chair staring back at the wall.


Bucky loved her. Her lips clung to his as her hand was tangled in his damp hair. He felt her gasping for air as their tongues intertwined with passion. He felt her smile as she pulled away and rested her forehead against his. He smiled back. She was the reason he hadn't ended it all she was the reason he kept going.

"I'm hungry." She whispered after they pulled away. He looked at her confused, "Hungry?" She nodded.

"Do you want to make something?" He asked. He didn't want to eat but knowing Anna he knew she would make him. Anna stood and bit her lip, "I don't have any food here I usually eat in the main kitchen with everyone else."

Everyone else, the Avengers. He ruined their lives, he split apart their family. They hated him.

"You can go I don't want to stop you from-" He started feeling suddenly uncomfortable.

"No, you have to eat too if you think I'm going to leave you here your crazy." She said taking his hand. It was soft and gentle as her small fingers laced in between his.

"Are you sure what about-"

"Don't worry about them. It's been months they know you've changed." She reassured him kissing him on the cheek before leading him out the door. He stopped her looking down at his metal arm. 

Anna went over to the closet and opened the hatch at the back. Tony had invented it to deliver items directly to their rooms. She asked for FRIDAY for clothes for James and sure enough, provided were clothes for him for any occasion. She pulled out a navy zip-up hoodie and a single fingerless glove.

"Here." She passed them to him and he put them on, "Better?" He nodded. She took his hand again and they walked towards the kitchen. 

She saw his breath hike as they continued walking he kept on looking behind them. She squeezed his hand reassuringly and he instantly calmed.  

"No-one should be here it's pretty late so you don't have to worry." They walked into the kitchen and Bucky breathed in the feeling of being in the big empty space. Anna smiled and walked towards the kitchen.

"Cereal?" She asked.

"Sure Doll" She smiled at the nickname before pulling out two bowls and a box of cereal.

"Can you get the milk for me?" She asked pointing to the fridge. He walked over and opened it,

"Hey Anna hows-" Steve came into the kitchen but stopped once he saw his friend.

"Bucky!" He said and made his way over to them and Bucky turned to be encased in a hug by Steve. He looked awkwardly at Anna and she tried to suppress a giggle before mouthing, 'Hug him back'. Bucky hugged Steve back slightly before Steve pulled away.

"I'm so happy you finally got out of there," Steve said to Bucky before looking to Anna.

"Well more like escaped" Anna winked at Bucky and he gave a slight smile.

"Does everyone know?" She asked Steve as he pulled away from Bucky and leaned against the counter. 

"Yeah, we just had a briefing." 

Anna nodded, "Can I talk to you for a second?" Steve nodded and they rounded the corner.

"Tell me everything." Steve started explaining what happened including everyone's reactions most of which Anna anticipated. 

"And Tony?"

"He took it surprisingly well I think it was anticipated that this was going to happen eventually."

"What was going to happen eventually?" Anna asked.

"You and Bucky." 

Anna bit her lip blushing a little, "So everyone knows?" 

"Yeah, Anna it has been pretty obvious for a while. You two, you have something special. Your the only one he'll talk to about you-know-what. He trusts you maybe even more than me." Steve rambled now seeming sad.

"Steve you and Bucky are basically family he'll come back to you." 

Steve nodded and squeezed her shoulders, "Thank you." 

She smiled at him before her stomach grumbled they laughed, "If you'll excuse me Capsicle I have some cereal and a soldier waiting for me." 

Steve saluted her and she walked back to the kitchen where Bucky leaned against the sink, "Everything okay?" He asked and walked towards him and cupped his face in her hands, "Couldn't be better." They kissed again this time feeling his hands wrap around her lower back.

"I told you Natasha I don't care that he's 17-" Clint and Natasha walked into the kitchen arguing when she put her arm out in front of him stopping him from walking any further.

"Anna!" Natasha exclaimed pulling them out of the moment. They instantly pulled away from each other both blushing.

"This is new," Clint mumbled.

"Hey, Nat, Clint," Anna said wiping her bottom lip.

"Anna," Clint said monotone taking the juice from the fridge and walking out of the kitchen.

Natasha rolled her eyes, "Ignore him." She sat down at one of the bar stools.

"Barnes glad to see you made it out." She continued smiling at the couple. Bucky nodded, "Good to see you, Romanoff." 

Anna couldn't be happier seeing Bucky adjust to being with people again. She knew that this was what was best for him. They continued talking and Anna sat down enjoying her cereal. He was home.



Thank you soooooooo much!


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