Chapter 2: The Escape

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"Nick! Nick!"

"Agent, what's wrong?"

Her heart was racing a mile a minute pacing around the room. Scared they knew. Scared about him

"He escaped. He remembered. You have to come to get me their going to figure it out"

"The jets on its way. Calm down Anna we're coming."

Half an hour passed the alarms pounded in her head. She could hear the sound of the Hydra Agents as they raced around looking for him.

There was a crash as her window shattered opened.

"Hey Anna" 


She turned around and ran into The Falcons arms.

"Come on let's get out of here."

Picking her up and flying out the window to the jet waiting beyond the gates. Anna collapsed into the seat buckling the seat belt as Sam started the engine flying them home.



As soon as they landed a streak of blue raced in front of the jet.

"God that kid is getting on my nerves," Sam muttered under his breath as Anna left the jet.

"Hey P," She said tiredly as he scooped her up and raced back to the tower.

"Please don't do that again without asking Piet it makes me nauseous."

"Sorry I was just so excited to see you! You won't believe it I finally beat Clint in Mario Kart!"

Anna smiled at the 16-year-old happy he finally was getting a normal teenagehood after Ultron and Hydra.

"I let him win." She heard a voice behind her. And turned around to see Clint with his arms crossed. 

"Clint!" she ran to him and give him a hug.

"Good to see you, kid, I missed you." He replied wrapping her in a bear hug.

"Hey, Doc."

"Tony!" she said and walked over to him after Clint decided to let her go.

"I'm reserving your first appointment ok? Bird-Brain Number Two's good but he's nothing like you, Anna."

Sam rolled his eyes as he walked through the door. 

"Thanks for leaving me out there." He mumbled walking towards the fridge and grabbing a beer.

"Sorry," Pietro yelled from the couch. 


After endless hugs from the rest of the team (except Thor who was in Asgard and Wanda because she mainly keeps to herself and wasn't really a hugger) Anna realized that Steve was nowhere to be found.

"Oh my God." She said hitting your forehead, "I should really talk to Steve he must be worried."

"Twelfth floor," Tony replied.

"I forgot Steve got his own floor." She said walking toward the elevator.

"You don't Anna?" Natasha replied with a smirk.

Anna smiled back at her deviously as the doors closed in front of her.

She was so happy to be back.


Anna walked out of the elevator to the door in front of her and knocked no reply. 

"Steve?" she called opening the door.

"In here." 

Walking inside Anna took notice of how simple the apartment was unlike Tony's extravagant one.

Walking down the hallway to Steves's room where he sat on his bed, head in his hands. He looked up to see you his eyes red.

"Anna, Thank god!" He pulled her into what seemed like the hundredth hug of the night.

"What happened to tell me everything. I've already started making a list of places he might-"

"Steve, you have to calm down. Take a deep breath." 

"I'm so scared Anna. Think of what they'll do to him when they find him." He said sitting back onto the bed. Sitting down beside him she rubbed his arm.

"I know Steve. But Bucky's smart and we will find him. I promise."

"What happened Anna." He looked at you with such desperation in his eyes.

"He remembered the war and the Howling Commandos. He even starts getting some of his old mannerisms back like calling me doll and ma'am. After a couple of weeks of me downing the wiping, he started to remember small things like Coney Island and little things about you. He was so hurt Steve I tried to help I didn't know he was going to escape on his own."

"I know, it's not your fault Anna. We should have thought of that. You must be tired you should go to bed."

"Your right I can finally sleep in my own bed for the first time in three months."

He smiled.

"Remember Steve my door is always open you don't need an appointment. We don't even have to talk, we can play a game or come even if you just need company okay?"

"Thanks, Anna your really good at your job you know that?"

"That's why I have it!"

And with that, she left Steve and settled back into your old room.

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